
Why I Love Looking Out My Window


I am a daydreamer!

Not all the time, but often I will come up to my office to write and I will sit and stare out the window. It’s a great view from my desk, I can see our front paddock, our long tree-lined driveway, and our enormous magnolia tree. I can see the main road and across from that in the far paddocks are our neighbor’s cows. Often the kids are out there on their bikes or jumping on the tramp. There is a lot to see, but, to be honest, some days I can stare out the window and not see any of it! I stare off into oblivion and go into my own wee world. A place far from here where my thoughts have a mind of their own and take off on the most outrageous tangents. I am drawn to a place where there are no limits, no boundaries and no one to tell me I can’t! My mind wanders so far from reality, some days I struggle to bring it back to the here and now.

A place far from here where my thoughts have a mind of their own and take off on the most outrageous tangents. I am drawn to a place where there are no limits, no boundaries and no one to tell me I can’t! My mind wanders so far from reality, some days I struggle to bring it back to the here and now.

But some days I wonder, how far from reality, I actually am? Is it closer than I think? I have learned that through my wanderings, God will often meet me in that place. That place where I have no limits and my dreams are bigger than anything I could ever come up with myself. He meets me there, takes my hand, and leads me further into that place with Him.

Some days I pull myself back, there is so much to do and so little time I have to myself that I don’t have the luxury of daydreaming. But other days, I let my mind wander into those places that take me away from the busyness and into a place where time seems to standstill. I allow God to invade my thoughts and let Him put those secret dreams into my heart. I stare off into the distance and dream about the things that really touch my heart, that move me to tears. Those things to which I have a passion and a purpose, those things He has called me to make a difference too. I allow myself to dream beyond my limitations and without fear. I dream of things to come.

I dream with excitement!