
A Change is Coming…

Don’t you just love a new year?

So many opportunities. A chance at a new start, a new beginning, a new chapter in your life. Really, you can do that at any time of the year,  but there is something about a new year that just gets me excited!

We have just spent a glorious week at the beach. Every year good friends of ours bless us with their house, and we get to hang with them, eating copious amounts of food, swimming, walking, laughing and just hanging out. It’s always a great time of reflection and contemplation for me, as I sit on the beach and watch the kids swim, I love assessing the year that has been and dreaming of the year to come. I chat with God and as I spend time with Him, He places new hopes and dreams in my heart.

I love reflecting on the good and the bad of the last year. I love thinking about the changes I can make for the new year. I love looking at the lessons I have learned and dreaming of things I will learn in the year to come!

For 2015, I feel a change is in the air and I am excited, expectant and a little nervous about what that looks like. The last couple of years have been a long season of winter for us and I believe this year it will be a season of summer with promises coming into fruition, hopes and dreams being realised, and as we walk into all God has for us, He will reveal more of His plan and purpose for our lives.

I love that we have winter seasons, so we can appreciate the summer ones! I learned a lot last year and, even though, some lessons have been tough along the way, I wouldn’t change any of them! I am a stronger person and appreciate all I have in my life.

So, as we continue to walk into the light, into His promises for us and into His plans, I know there will be ups and downs along the way but I am ever thankful for the abundance Blessings in my life and I walk with excitement at what is to come!

And so I run into 2015 with my arms wide open crying out to God “Here I am God, I am ready, willing and able…..surprise me!”




  • Tal

    Love your ‘Here I am Lord…’ and am encouraged given what God has being speaking to me and what words are in my journal for this year ahead. ‘Here I am’ is one of three 🙂

    May God bless you guys as you go from winter to summer, may He surprise you and astound you, grow you and bless you. May the nerves fall away as He unfolds and excitement and awe take over.

    Joshua 1.9 my friend, I was given it in 2012 with the launch of the book and blog, and was given it a fresh with whatever He is doing this year too. As I read your blog I’m sure it’s a relevant word for you too.