
Busy, Busy, Busy!

Ok, so even after my last blog where I had to wait for the longest 2 minutes of my life to get some fries(you can read it here if you missed it!) I have still not learnt my lesson!

Nope, obviously I am a slow learner! I am still busy! Busy, busy, busy. Busy doing stuff! So busy in fact, that I tell myself I don’t have time to do the things I really want! So busy that I have forgotten the art of just sitting and resting. Now I am not trying to be a martyr, it’s just that I am busy! I am so busy in my head, I don’t have time for my to-do list, let alone anything that I would consider fun!

You may be asking yourself what it is that I am so busy with? Well, I could rattle you off my to-do list: assignments, women’s ministry, kids, cleaning, laundry, counselling, blog writing, other ministries commitments, Church stuff, meetings etc etc etc. The list could go on and on…..and on.

And I bet if I asked you, your list would be as long, if not longer than mine!

I get it. We are all busy. But are we that busy? Are we that busy we have lost track of our priorities, and we live life in a constant state of running from one thing to another?

We live life making excuses why we haven’t answered emails or texted people back. We live life, telling friends we are too busy to catch up. We live life filled with chaos and disorder as we don’t make time to refill our tanks!

I read an article the other day about this very thing. In it, the person was saying how busy we all are but that also, we have a choice. We choose how we prioritise our days and what takes up all our time. He gave a great analogy and said, what if every task had a million dollars attached to it? How would that change things?

Would you text that person straight back if there were a million dollars attached to it?
Would you respond to that email if there were a million dollars attached to it?
Would you clean those windows, clean out that pantry or wash your car if there were a million dollars attached to it?
Would you sit and take time out for yourself if there were a million dollars attached to it?
Would you take the time to exercise and look after yourself if there were a million dollars attached?

Now, I’m not trying to say we should only do the things that have money attached to it (I don’t think anyone is going to give me a million dollars for responding to an e-mail!)  but really, it did make me think “How busy am I really? What are my priorities?”

It made me rethink my priorities and what is really important to me. It helped me to remember who is important to me, and it reminded me of what God has called me to do…..and probably more importantly, what He hasn’t called me to do, those things I do just because I am capable!

And so this week, as I continue to try and slow myself down, to stop and smell the roses and appreciate all the beauty that is around me, I look at every task and ask myself “Would I do this right now for a million dollars?”

Funnily enough my ironing pile is still there!


One Comment

  • Sarah Christensen

    So true…what is it that we value in our lives…and does our choices today move us closer or far away from this that we value. We need to be mindful of this, not having a mind- ful of stuff.
    I value you my friend as I choose to read some awesome words and sip on my Starbucks instead of rewriting a lecture. 🙂 xx