Who ate all the Chocolate?
This is Abby.
She is a friendly wee Jack Russell and belongs to Mum and Dad’s neighbour.
Mum and Dad don’t have any pets so they warmly welcome Abby over anytime she wanders from her home. In fact, she is so welcome that she comes into their house, walks around, cleans the kitchen floor for mum and generally makes herself at home! As I said, she’s a friendly wee thing so while we were down the kids got to know Abby quite well, in fact, I’m sure by the time we left Abby thought she was one of the family!
On Saturday, we were all out and about doing things and my Dad was home by himself enjoying some sunshine on the deck with a cup of coffee and a good book. Abby came wandering over, which is nothing unusual and proceeds to wander into the house, again nothing unusual about this. After a bit Abby comes back out and wanders home, another nice wee visit had by all, until……….
The kids and I get home and on the lounge floor is ALL the kids chocolate wrappers from the Easter Egg’s Mum and Dad had given them the day before!
Yes, friendly wee Abby had come in and had a field day, I’m sure she thought all her Christmas’s had come at once! She had hovered through:
1 x snickers bar
2 x hollow Easter Eggs
Countless mini Easter Eggs’s
Not to mention the tin foil covering the eggs!
Once we had stopped laughing about what had happened, Dad went over to make sure Abby was ok, chocolate really isn’t the best thing for dogs!
The neighbour was horrified that Abby had eaten all the egg’s and so embarrassed, as she didn’t even know Abby came to visit at all!
Turns out Abby was fine and even came visiting again the next day, but left quite promptly once she realized there was no more chocolate to be had!
But the real point of my story is the kids. Their reaction to the dog eating their “stash” was amazing. To be honest, I think if she had eaten all mine (which by the way were safely stored upstairs and away from wee dogs!) I would have and sulked for a while (ok, probably a long while) until someone had bought me some more. How rude of that dog to eat my chocolate! Not the kids, they were more worried about Abby and making sure she was ok. Not once did they whinge or complain about not having any chocolate left. They were like “Oh well, these things happen” and actually thought it was quite a funny situation!
WOW! Talk about learning lessons from your kids. Hey, aren’t I meant to be the Mum and teach them all the lessons? Nope, I have learnt early on that there are many (many!) lessons to be learnt from my kids and if I am not careful I will miss these learning moments as I get caught up in the busyness of life.
Sometimes we can get so caught up on the little things in life that we miss the big picture, sure the chocolate was gone, but we can buy more. Abby was fine and we all had a great laugh over what had happened. It’s just one more funny story to add to our collection that will be talked about for years to come. We don’t sit around the fire pit talking about all the chocolate we eat, but I can guarantee you this, we will be talking about Abby and all the chocolate she ate!
As I reflect on the kids’ reactions I am actually so proud of them for their attitude and they way they just let it go. Yip, I can definitely learn a thing or two from my kids!