Wild Obedience
Tomorrow, I am attending my first ever blogging conference, and I have to tell you, I am pretty jolly, ridiculously excited! I wrote back in March how excited I was (you can read that here) and now that it’s almost here, I find myself daydreaming about it non stop! I am so super excited to hang with like-minded Christian women who get what I do and why I do it!
Blogging is not something I ever thought I would do, but it is an idea God planted in my heart a couple of years ago and I have walked out this journey ever since. Even though I loved English at school, and I have written numerous stories over the years, I never actually thought writing would be something I would pursue. And especially not honest, straight from the heart kind of writing!
I got business cards done for the conference and on them, it has my name and under that reads “Writer/Speaker” (Phil’s idea, not mine!) Me? A writer? Not really, I just string words together in some kind of random fashion and hope that it makes sense. So if that qualifies me, then I guess it is what it is! And, well, yes, that makes me a writer! Wow, even just writing that feels weird…… I am a writer. Maybe if I write it enough times then I will start to believe it! But before I use up too many of my words, back to the conference…..
I have signed up for all the sessions, and yep, even all of the optional ones! I am signed up for absolutely everything I can possibly attend! I am not going to miss a thing God has in store for me. I am going to put on my big panties, get over my insecurities, get over my introvert tendencies and jump into everything I can! I am going to meet as many people as I can, and even the women that I have placed high on a pedestal, well I am going to talk to them too! I am not going to let anything stop me from squeezing every drop of goodness out of this conference that I possibly can!
So as I step out in Wild Obedience (the theme of the conference) I know God will do amazing things! I know this will be a time of refreshing, a time of inspiration, and a time of God connections. I know without a doubt that God is waiting for me on the other side of my obedience, and I for one, can’t wait!

Declare Conference 4x4

The Power Of A "Yes"
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March 10, 2013
I think I can, I think I can, actually I don’t think I can!
March 8, 2013
Way to go Kathy! Cheering you on and can’t wait to hear what comes of this 🙂
Britta Lafont
I hope we can meet up Kathy! If not, take a look at the book, by Jeff Goins called: “You are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One)”