
Declare Link Up!

IMG_5637Ok, so this is my third year at Declare!
I know right….who would have thought!

That first year as I jumped on the plane (actually 3 of them!), travelled for 22 hours, flew thousands of miles and completely stepped out of my comfort zone, I had no idea what kind of impact it would have on my life. But boy oh boy, am I sure glad I did. I have made the most incredible life long friends, and this year as I get ready to travel again I am not nervous at all but filled with pure excitement at seeing everyone again….and making new friends!

So here are my answers for the link up:

1. If we were meeting in person, how would you introduce yourself? (job, family, career, ministry, where you live … share whatever details come to mind)

Hi, I’m Kathy. Yes, I do have a strange accent, and no it is not Australian! I live in New Zealand with my husband Phil and our two fantastic teenagers, Jackson who is 18 and Gracie who is 16. Our family is crazy and that is just the way we love it!
Phil and I have been married for 20 years this year and are passionate about seeing God restore broken relationships.
Recently we shifted towns and are now Seniors Pastors at a local Church. It’s challenging but we love it!I have just launched a new ministry for young girls called “Daughters of the King” and have our second event coming up soon!
I love writing, organising, Christmas, french fries and Jesus!

2. What is your favorite thing to write and why?

I love to write from the heart! I am currently studying at Bible College so have been doing a lot of theological writing and so I love to get back to blog writing and write whatever comes to heart. I know God has called me to encourage women, so this is who I target my writing for (although I do know of lots of men who read my blog!)

3. What is your favorite thing to read and why? (If this question is too broad for you avid readers, what’s a favorite book or blog you’ve read lately?)

During the year I tend to stick to self-help books, books to encourage me and books which will help me to grow. Over the holidays (our summer is Dec/Jan) I LOVE to read Amish novels, as they just take me to a whole nother world, one so much simpler than the one I live in!

mickey4. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

Go to Disneyland! It is my most favourite place (yes, you guessed it, I am just a big kid!) I have been 4 times (which is no easy feat from NZ) and I am definitely planning on going back!



5. What’s one thing you love about your blog and one thing you’d like to improve?

I love that it is my own wee place in cyber-space where I can be myself and write what I like with no expectations from others! One thing I would like to improve on is my knowledge of behind the scenes operations!

6. [Lightening Round] Would you rather …

  • Read on Kindle or paperback? Paperback
  • Drink coffee or tea? Coke Zero
  • Go to a musical or a movie? Both!
  • Vacation at the beach or the mountains? The Mountains
  • Have an exciting night out or a relaxing night in? Depends! Mostly an introvert but do love a good night out!
  • Watch sports, play sports, or no sports? Watch sports

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little better.
Looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks!

