
My Heart is Broken.

As I sit here at my computer the tears are flowing.
I am trying my best to suck them up, but they are cascading down my cheeks at a great rate of knots, and onto my keyboard. I can’t stop them.

I have just had a message from one of the Mums whose daughter is coming to “Chosen” this weekend.
She wanted to let me know that her daughter is being bullied, coming home from school crying every day, and doesn’t have any friends. Now, I know this Mum and she is an amazing! They have an awesome Family and this girl comes from a loving Christian home. And I think to myself, if this is happening to a lovely Christian girl, what are other girls in the world facing?

My heart breaks for this girl and for her Mum. In fact, my heart breaks for all the young girls out there that this is happening to. Because sadly, this is not an isolated incident.

Seriously friends, what is the world coming to when we have beautiful 8-year-old girls being bullied? When once what was a problem for teens is now a problem for girls who are so much younger than that? Not that I want teens to go through it, but 8 years olds? It’s just not right.

But as I try and dry my tears, my sadness turns to anger at what goes on in the world. A world where we try and protect our kids the best we can, but it’s a world that would spew forth its hatred on young unsuspecting girls. Beautiful girls that have their innocence stolen from them. A choice that was not theirs, but will have consequences for years to come. A world where the actions of others can change the way a young girl will view herself, and how the lies of the enemy will take hold, and contradict God’s truth.

My heart breaks and I cry out to God “I just want to fix it all. I just want to help these girls. God show them that they are loved by you?”

And then I heard God’s voice clearer than ever. “Kathy, show young girls how much I love them. Show them that they are valued and cherished for who they are. Show them what it means to be a Daughter of the King. Show them that they matter. Teach them my truth. You know what it is like to be broken, show my girls how I can heal and restore.”

This is why I started #DOTK. This is what it is all about. Speaking God’s truth over these girls so that they may know God’s peace and love. Now I can’t stop the bullying or the teasing, boy do I wish I could! But what I can do is equip these girls with tools they can use to fight the lies of the enemy.

So as I prepare for this weekend, I am letting go off all the “Stuff” that is drowning me, all the schedules, the timetables and the logistics of who is going to sleep in which cabin! And I think about what God has asked me to do, what the real purpose of this weekend really is. I reread the message from this girl’s Mum, and again the tears flow.

I focus on what is really important…..getting God’s truth into these girls hearts. Yes, we will have lots of fun, that was never in doubt, but it’s my prayer that the girls would come away knowing who God has created them to be, and to give them the tools they can use to fight the lies of the enemy and remember God’s truth.

Friends, would you please join me in praying for the girls this weekend?

One Comment

  • Britta

    Just read your post, but the Lord put you in my heart at 7:48am this morning as I was driving. I prayed for you and DOK right then. I am praying now and will lift you up through the weekend. I love you, my tender hearted warrior-princess friend! I’m glad we are on the same side of this fight — “though she be but little, she is fierce.” I can’t wait to hear about the way you meet God’s goodness this weekend. ❤️