Faith,  Life

How’s Your Attitude?

It’s a choice.
Not always an easy one, but none the less, it’s a choice!

How we chose to act and react to things is a choice we get to make. Our attitude is our choice and ours alone.

Now I will be the first to put up my hand and say I don’t always make the wisest choices! Sometimes I forget that I am a grown up and I need to make grown-up choices. In fact this week I forgot just that, and I ended up having not one, but two (short-lived) pity parties because of hard decisions I had to make. Decisions I knew were right, but not necessarily the ones I wanted to make!

I don’t tell you these things because I am proud of my mistakes, but I tell you because we are all just human, and every now and again, we are going to have to make hard decisions. But it is what we do from that moment on, what our attitude will be, which is as important as the hard decision!

This week I had to turn down something that I love. I had to turn down an opportunity to spend time with people I love, sit under amazing teaching and worst of all, turn down the opportunity to spend time away with Phil!

I’m not gonna lie, it was a hard decision. It was a decision I battled with and one that didn’t come easily. It hurt. I was sad, and even though I knew it was the right one, the tears flowed.
But more importantly than the decision, is what I did with my attitude following that decision.

I could so easily have sulked all week. I could have had a week-long pity party and wallowed in my self-pity. I could have chosen to look at the downside instead of all the blessing that actually lay right in front of me.

Oh, how easy it would have been to tell all of social media how hard done by I was. Oh, how easy it would have been to complain to anyone who would listen how hard my life is. How easy it would have been to let this all get out of proportion, to let my whole world be coloured because of one hard decision. It’s amazing how quickly things can spiral when we don’t keep a check on our attitudes.

Instead, I chose to keep my eyes on the promises of God instead of the giants that lay in front of me! I chose to remember that God is always a good God and that He knows how much I am hurting. I chose to put on my big girl pants and look at all my blessings.

Now, I am not a saint, I did have a wee complain to a couple of good friends. Friends who I knew would sympathise with me, but would not allow me to wallow, and there is a big difference my friends!
I did treat myself to a Big Mac and fries, and I did allow myself to feel sad at the loss, but not dwell on it, and not to make it bigger in my head than it really was!
I chose my attitude and how I let it affect me.

Friends, we all face hard decisions, but you have a choice in how you act and react! You get to choose your attitude.



  • Carolyn

    Thanks Kathy for sharing. I have felt the same this week. We have moved to a new town and I have felt all alone. Shed a few tears wondering if we had made the right decision. Didn’t want to wallow but changed the way of thinking. Having to make a hard decision to move away from family is hard but we know it is god’s plan for us. The verse that has encouraged me this week is:
    Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.