
My Greatest Weapon…

Do you know what your greatest weapon is?
I am not talking about things you wish it were,  like x-ray vision, turning invisible or even being able to fly (although that would be pretty cool) but what weapon has God given you to fight with? Sometimes its the simple things in our lives that God will use, and not some magical powers like we see in the movies!

I have been pondering this a lot lately! What is it that God has given me to be able to be His hands and feet to those around me. To those who probably don’t even realize they need Him. To those who need Him just as much as I do!

So what’s my greatest weapon you ask? Well, for me, the greatest weapon God has given me is my broken heart.
Now I know that may seem a little odd, how is that even a weapon? But hear me out…

The enemy thought that my broken heart was going to be his greatest weapon against myself:

“She’s so broken, She’ll believe she has no value.”
“Her heart is in so many pieces, she will never be able to love anyone, especially herself.”
“Her heart will never be the same again. It will destroy her.”

But God in His infinite wisdom knew that my broken heart would be my greatest weapon!
He knew it would motivate me into helping young girls so they could avoid what I went through.
He knew it would motivate me to make a difference.
He knew it would be my greatest weapon.

I am so thankful that God will use what we have in our hands as a starting place for what He has called us to!
We don’t need to stress about not being enough or being qualified or waiting till we have it all together (let’s be honest, I am still waiting for that day!) but He will work with what we present Him and we all know that He is the greatest at turning a mess into an amazing message of hope for those around us.

So my challenge for you this week is…..what do you hold in your hands that God can use for His glory?
And please don’t tell me you have nothing, as I know for a fact God has equipped every single one of us with something we can use to do His work. It doesn’t always have to be big and grand, sometimes the biggest impact we can have starts with the smallest of beginnings!