What Will Heaven Be Like?
Do you ever wonder what it will be like? Heaven.
I sometimes sit and ponder what it will be like.
Will it be full of fluffy puppies?
Will there be a McDonalds on every corner?
Will there be rivers flowing with coke zero and mountain tops covered in fries?
And cheese lets not forgot about the abundance of cheese that will be there!
Will it be Christmas all year round? Surely it will be like Christmas morning every time we wake?
Will there be snuggly blankets and rain on our rooftops every night?
Oh the things that will be in waiting for me in Heaven, but the greatest thing of all will be Jesus. Waiting for me at the gate, arms wide open ready to give me the biggest, all-encompassing most beautiful warmest hug I have ever had! Oh, my heart!
But then I wonder, will my Heaven look like your Heaven?
I can imagine that in Phils Heaven there will be endless supplies of coffee, the aroma will permeate the entire place. There will be library upon library filled with theology books, maybe he will talk theology for hours on end with Jesus and Paul! And there will be Chefs to cater to his every whim unless of course, he wants to cook up a storm for himself and invite the whole of Heaven.
Or Peppers Heaven? (please don’t give me any theological reasonings about dogs not being in Heaven, not today!)
Will it be filled with fluffy blankets and pillows for her to lie on?
Will there be endless jelly meat and lamb bones for her to chew on?
Will she continue to be my shadow or maybe she will follow Jesus’ every footstep?
Or Jacksons Heaven?
Or Gracies Heaven?
I’m sure our musings about Heaven will all be different.
But this I do know….it will be far greater than anything our minds can ever comprehend!
And you know what else I know?
It will be uniform and in order, and that excites me beyond belief! I am a tick the box, have all your ducks in a row, don’t color outside the box kind of girl! I don’t particularly like numbers, but I like number patterns and things that add up! Give me a box over a circle any day and make sure there are lines on my page, where am I even meant to start with a blank page!!
I was reading Revelation 21 and the description John gave of Heaven put my mind at ease!
Not that I was stressing about Heaven but after last week’s debacle with tick boxes and to-do lists (you can read that here) I was wondering if the paths of gold were going to be all squiggly and curvy as opposed to straight and direct!
It talked about the Angel having a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates, and walls. And the city was laid out like a square, Praise the Lord, it isn’t a circle, or worse, squiggly!
And Angels with measuring rods, I just know we are going to be friends!
All the measurements are in multiples of 12, the number for Gods people.
There were 12 tribes in Israel and 12 Apostles who started the Church. The walls are 144 (12×12) cubits thick and there are 12 layers in the 12 walls, and 12 gates in the city and the height, length, and breadth are all the same 12, 000 stadia. What a beautiful picture!
Regardless of what else my imagination tells me might be in Heaven, I know it will be square and carefully measured, but most of all it will be illuminated by the Glory of God. And that my friends, is a Heaven I can get excited about….even if there are no fries there.
Although no one can categorically tell me there aren’t!

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