I Don’t Like Easter!
Well, ok, it’s not completely true!
It’s not that I don’t like Easter, I mean, who doesn’t love spending a long weekend with their family, eating copious amounts of chocolate and hot cross buns? I for one love that side of it (even if we are all in our own wee bubbles) but for me, there is a far more important side of Easter…… It’s all about the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.
Easter for me is one of the most important times of the year for reflection. It’s a time to sit down, take a deep breath and remember the price Christ paid, so I could live this Blessed life.
Every Good Friday I spend the day in tears. I think it is because I am so overwhelmed with His goodness and what He did for me that words don’t seem enough, so I show my gratitude through my eyes! I just can’t thank Him enough for what He saved me from, and what He saved me into.
Quite a few years ago, Phil and I went to see The Passion of the Christ. I knew it was going to be a horrific movie, but until sitting through it, didn’t realize what a huge impact it would have on me. To be honest, I walked out of the movie halfway through. I just couldn’t handle it. The torture, the humiliation, the absolute cruelty shown towards my Saviour, was too much for me to sit through. I know it’s just a movie, but it rocked me to the core. I have thought several times over the years I should sit through all of it…… But I just can’t bring myself to do it! I guess it’s one thing to read about it, but it’s another to sit there and watch it!
Easter is about remembering the price Christ paid for my freedom but do I only reflect about this at Easter? Shouldn’t this be something that I reflect on more often?
Sure, we look at it when we take communion, but again, shouldn’t it be more than that, too? The price Christ paid for my freedom is something that I don’t actually take for granted, it is something that I still struggle to comprehend. That when it came down to it, if I was the only person on earth, Christ still would have died for me! Christ was hung on that Cross for me. Yip, little ole me! Kathy, who stuffs up on a daily basis, Kathy, who takes Blessings for granted, Kathy, who regularly asks for forgiveness and is far from perfect. Christ persevered through all the suffering so that I could live in abundant freedom. He did this because I am His favorite….and so are you!
So as I head into this weekend, it will be one spent with my bubble, eating chocolate, reading His Word, blasting worship music, crying, reflecting, and being thankful. My goal is to honor Christ as best as I can with my life. To make what He did for me on the Cross worth it. Not just this Easter weekend but every day that I am graced with. I may not be perfect, but that doesn’t change the fact that Christ was the perfect sacrifice for my life.

I Dont Have Time.....

It's Okay To Cry!
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