It’s Okay To Cry!
No, really it is!
Go ahead. Sit there and have a jolly good cry. Let those tears fall and the snot drip from your nose. Ugly cry, let it all out. Get choked up, sob, heave, sigh. Because it’s okay to cry.
Life is weird, and it’s not as we know it. It’s different, and nothing seems familiar or the same!
We are locked in bubbles and none of this was our choice.
Today has been hard!
I have cried and I have grieved. Now don’t get me wrong, I am totally on board with what our government is doing. I back them one hundred percent and will stick to the rules. But today it just feels all too hard.
And I am sad.
Sad that our #dotk retreat had to be canceled.
Sad that our Shine program is on hold.
Sad that my travel to the USA I had planned will not be happening anytime soon.
Sad that Jackson is not in my bubble.
Sad I can’t see my friends and eat Macca’s!
Sad that my ‘normal’ is no longer ‘normal’
Sad that people close to me are being affected in ways that will change their futures.
But I will be fine. Eventually, I will be fine. But today I am allowing myself to grieve what is lost!
I know loss will look different for each one of us, but we have to allow ourselves to feel the loss so we can acknowledge it and move on. It doesn’t matter how trivial your loss may seem in the scheme of things, it is still a loss and is relative to you and your life! The minute we start fobbing off our losses and trivializing them, we lose compassion for our selves, and this can land us in a deeper level of loss…..believe me, I know this all too well!
So it’s okay to cry. It’s okay to grieve for what you’ve lost. It’s okay not to be okay. However you are feeling, it is okay.
Don’t be swayed by all the social media posts you see showing productive people, yummy baking and super clean homes. Yes, that is very real, I have those days, but I also have the ugly cry, stay in your jammies, watch Netflix, real days too!
And I know tomorrow will be a better day. I know tomorrow morning the sun will rise and I will get up and spend time with God. The lover of my soul. The One who knows me so well, and knows what I need. I know His mercies are new every morning, and for that, I am so thankful. He is all I need, and I know He will comfort me, guide me, and even challenge me to get me through these hard times.
But today, I am sad, and that’s okay!

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