Does Your Heart Line Up With Your Actions?
I have loved life in lockdown. Sure, there are some parts I didn’t like so much, like not seeing Jackson, but for the most part, it has been a great time of slowing down.
I know this is not the case for everybody and I do feel for those who have littlies, those who have continued to work and homeschool their kids all at the same time, and for those whose home life has been difficult.
But I would say, most of us have had more time on our hands and the luxury to choose what we do with that time!
I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about what is important to me, what I want to do with my time once out of lockdown, and where my priorities lie.
According to Facebook and people I have spoken to, this seems to be the case for quite a few people…..or so they say!
We had online Church last Sunday, the first Sunday at Level 2 lockdown. The first sunny Sunday in Level 2 lockdown and I was surprised at the number of people who were watching live. The numbers were considerably down from the previous Sundays when everyone was in compulsory lockdown.
Where was everyone? Enjoying the sunshine? Enjoying cafe life? Enjoying time with extended family?
Now I am not saying these things are bad, but on Sunday morning when (I believe) our priority should be God and our Church Family, where was everyone?
I started going through all the people I couldn’t see online and wondering where they were and what they were doing? I would love to say I wasn’t judging them, but to be honest, I was. (It’s okay, God has had me up about that and I have repented from my judgemental attitude!)
But still, these people that profess they are totally committed to God and His community, yet at the first glimpse of sunshine and freedom, they are gone!
I’m sure some of them had good excuses. I mean, we can all make excuses and justify our behavior, but where are our priorities?
What do you place first in your life, not just with your mouth, but with your actions as well? It’s all very easy to profess what we believe and stand for, but actions speak louder than our words ever will, and so what do your actions tell you about where your heart is?
Please hear me, I am far from perfect and my actions don’t always reflect my heart, but I am trying. I am listening to those who speak wisdom in my life and I am being obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I am trying to keep my actions in line with my priorities and what I believe. And I am working super hard at not judging others!
I am not saying if you don’t attend online Church on a Sunday morning, you don’t love Jesus! But what I am provoking you to do is to think about your priorities and if your actions line up with what comes out of your mouth (or what comes out on social media!)
Church may not be a priority for you and that’s fine (as long as you have checked that one with God!) but whatever your priorities are, do they line up with your actions?
Let’s be a people whose actions speak louder than words, and whose hearts are in line with their words and actions!

Being Mary in a Martha World
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