Burnout,  Faith,  Writing

Finding Purpose…

I started a new job today!
Not officially. I’m not getting paid, I don’t have a desk and I don’t have workmates.
But what I do have is a new sense of purpose for what God has for me in the upcoming season, and so I am treating it like a job.
I get up.
I get dressed.
I go to the office.
I don’t open social media.
I put pen to paper and I let the words flow.
I work.
And then I stop!

Last weekend Phil was a guest speaker at the NZ Christian Writers Retreat, so I tagged along with him! To be honest, I wasn’t expecting too much from the weekend, except some nice time away with Phil by the Sea! 

God had other ideas.

I was challenged, inspired, and deeply convicted to do what God asked me to do 2 years ago. Yes, you did read that right…..2 years ago!

You may wonder then, what on earth I have been doing for the past 2 years! Well, I have been planning and plotting as to what it looks like. I have gone round and round in circles and turned several corners along the way. I have put pen to paper and erased almost more words than I have written!

But last weekend it all just fell into place! I had a light bulb moment!
I now know without a doubt what God has asked me to do, and I am beyond excited. As most of you know, I have been in a holding pattern while I recover from burnout, but I feel like I am finally turning a corner, and around that corner is bright, warm, beautiful sunshine! Boy, am I ready for some sunshine!

I am under no illusions that I am fully healed yet, but it feels mighty fine to feel excited over something. That has not happened in a very long while.

So what has He asked me to do?
God has asked me to write a book!
Even just typing those words sends all kinds of emotions pulsating around my body! I’m not brave enough to share what it looks like yet, but it excites the pants off me, and very soon when I have more of a picture of what it looks like, you’ll be the first to know!

But for now, I will keep dreaming and planning with God. I will put on my work clothes and sit at my desk (this week that looks like my local library!) I will take my time and plan. I will be diligent in what He has asked me to do. I will do what I can with what He has given me, and I will let go of what I cant do. I will not rush, I will not push myself beyond my limits, and I will not berate myself for what is not yet done! I will continue to heal.

I am excited to be excited.