Law Abiding Citizen!
I have discovered during lockdown that I am a law-abiding citizen when it comes to lockdowns!
It’s not that I am a criminal while not in lockdown but when it comes to lockdown and the rules that ensue, I am a stickler!
None of this letting people into my bubble, traveling when I’m not supposed to, or “bending” the rules a little!
If the govt tells me to do something, or not do it, then I will comply 100%
Now, this is all well and good, but I found that it was grating me to the core when I saw other people not complying, or interpreting the rules to fit themselves. This is not a dig at anyone who flouts the lockdown rules, but more of an examination of my own heart.
Why does it berate me so much when people don’t comply, when they find a “loophole” to wiggle through? Do I feel ripped off? Why does the injustice hit me so hard? How is it even my problem?
These are some of the questions I have pondered during this last lockdown as I have watched people do what I cannot….bend and break the rules! I have sat in my bubble contemplating all life’s injustices and felt the weight of what I see as right or wrong. I have sulked, wishing I could break the rules just a little so I could see my kids, so I could wrap my arms around their necks, but I just can’t bring myself to do it!
What I do know though, is this: at the end of the day I am accountable to God for my actions, reactions, and judgments of others. They are accountable to God for theirs but that is between them and God, it has absolutely nothing to do with me and my opinions!
And so I watch, and slowly I learn not to pass judgment. I mean gosh, I am far from perfect, and just because I obey lockdown rules to the letter of the law, doesn’t mean I have it together in other areas of my life. I am definitely taking the plank out of my own eye first.
But I love how God will highlight faults in my life to help me grow and mature. How He will point the finger at me while I am busy pointing it at everyone else! He is more concerned with my growth than my concern with everyone else’s growth. He is gentle and loving, but also firm on what is my issue and what isn’t!
So my friend, if you have flouted the lockdown rules, that’s on you! It’s none of my business and I won’t judge you. I still love you and my opinion of you hasn’t changed. You do what’s right for you! But as for me, I am continuing to follow the letter of the law, while finding God’s love and grace on the journey. I’m so looking forward to when this lockdown is over, but I do wonder what my next bugbear will be, I mean I’m only human right? Whatever it is, I know without a doubt God will use it to teach me (another) valuable lesson!

Loving Your Enemies!

My Heart Is So Sad!
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