Faith,  Life


The Book of Psalms is my absolute favorite book of the Bible.
No matter what season I’m in, no matter what I’m walking through, there is always a Psalm that reflects where I’m at.

Most of the Psalms are written by David and he covers every emotion that we could imagine. He has been through it all, the highs, the lows, and everything in between! I love David and his raw honest heart.

I find so much comfort in every Psalm. Rest for my weary heart, gratitude for all God has done, anguish for what I may be dealing with, and raw honest emotions that reflect my soul.

Did you know there are 150 Psalms for praise and reflection?
There are also 71 “Selahs”. throughout the Psalms

As I researched the word Selah, there are varying arguments over what it means and some suggest that no one truly knows what it means. Most scholars believe it means to pause or reflect.

Instead of using the word Selah, the passion translation uses the phrase “Pause in God’s presence.”
I LOVE this phrase.
It’s not just a matter of pausing, but pausing in His presence.

Now, we are always in His presence. He’s omnipresent which means we can’t escape it, but what a difference it makes when we are aware of His presence, and pause right there, in the midst of it.
The peace that comes. The stillness. The quiet. The contemplation. The rest your soul so desperately needs. All this is right there when you pause in His presence.

What a beautiful gift. A gift that is waiting for us any time, day or night, when we take the time to pause long enough to feel and sense Him. To allow ourselves the gift of time with Him. How our souls are refreshed and our faith restored. Our minds are once again centered on Him and we are reminded of how loved we are.

So this week, I have not only been pausing but pausing in His presence. Consciously being aware of His presence and as I sit and reflect, I can’t help but give thanks for all He has done.