The Importance Of A Little Yellow Journal…..
I have a little yellow journal.
And I cannot tell you how much I love my wee journal.
I bought this journal when I knew we were going on our Sabbatical break. It wasn’t expensive and it’s not flash, but it means the world to me.
I knew God would speak to me while we were traveling and I didn’t want to miss a word.
Now I could have quickly taken notes on my phone or my I-pad, but I wanted something tangible I could hold on to, to read on the days I really needed it. I wanted to be able to flick through the pages. To read and re-read whenever I wanted. To hold it in my hands and see all the different colours in my journal.
I was so nervous at first that God wouldn’t speak to me. It’s not that He wouldn’t speak, but what if I couldn’t hear him? What if I was putting so much pressure on myself to hear Him, that I did the complete opposite?
The first day I sat down with my journal, I was so excited for what was to come, and then…..nothing!
Nothing! Zip! Nada!
I was so upset and wondered if I had done the right thing by putting so many expectations into a small book filled with blank lines!
But as the days passed, and I relaxed into our trip, my ears and heart were opened and God spoke with abundant clarity.
As I sat with my coloured pens and filled the pages, I was shocked some days as to how much I had written. For the promises, He gave me, for the reassurance, for the love, and for the way He spoke so tenderly to my heart.
It was more than I was hoping for, and way more than I had expected!
Even now that we are home, I am still filling the pages and I love reading it back, reminding myself of what God has promised.
So, what’s the biggest thing I have learned from my little yellow journal?
Well, the fact is, God is always ready, willing and able to speak if we just allow ourselves the time and space to hear Him. We don’t need to travel halfway round the world to hear His voice, but it is definitely a fun way to do it!
Do you have a “Little Yellow Journal”?
If not, can I suggest you invest in one. It doesn’t even need to be yellow, it can be whatever colour you like, but get one with the intention of hearing God’s voice and recording it all!

Where To Begin.....

Use Your Words.....
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