
Yes, I’m Living In Sin.

Here’s a confession…..
I am living in sin!

Now, I like to think I am a good person. I clean my teeth every day, I obey the laws and try my best in all I do. I live according to the etiquette of my community and I do all of Phil’s washing and ironing. I don’t steal, I don’t cheat, and I try my best to keep my little white lies to a minimum (“Thank you for dinner, it was delicious!” when actually it wasn’t)

Generally, I think I am a “good” person.
But we all know that you don’t enter Heaven because you are a “good” person. 
We get to Heaven by believing that Jesus Christ is our Saviour, acknowledging He died for our sins and following God, doing our best to live by His word.

I am currently doing a study for Lent and this morning it was saying that doubting God’s word is a sin and we need to repent if we have done that!
At first, I was like “No, I don’t doubt His word, I believe everything He says.” And as much as I do believe it, doubt often creeps in…
Did God really mean that?
Does He make good on ALL His promises?
Is His word true and absolute?

I believe in miracles, I really do.  But sometimes I think my belief levels are way too low. Sure, I believe He will give me a car park but do I believe He will heal me and make me whole?
Sure, I know He can do life-changing work in others, but will He really do it in me?
I know He loves me, but do I understand the depths of that love?
Do I doubt the miracles He is doing in my life?

When I got real with myself (and God) I realized that I doubt His word more than I think, and this my friends boils down to one thing. Sin. Plain and simple.

Yep, Kathy Strong, who is a good person most of the time, is also a sinner! A sinner who desperately needs Jesus.

So when we sin, we are to repent right?
Repentance is Biblical. And so if I don’t repent, then again, I am sinning! That makes it sin upon sin! Who knew I was so full of sin?

I don’t know why, but we often see repentance as a weakness. We can also think that with repentance comes condemnation.

But as I knelt before God and repented of my sin, I felt God’s love and grace wash over me. It didn’t for one-second feel like condemnation, what it did feel like was freedom.

Freedom from my self-conviction.
Freedom in my relationship with God.
Freedom to live as He’s called me to live.
Freedom in my relationship with Him.
Freedom to be all He has called me to be.
Freedom from condemnation from the enemy.
So much freedom!

And so I am making repentance a daily occurrence. Some days my list of sins is longer than others, and some days I repent for not even seeing my sin! I am not making it into a big deal and trying to drag up sin from 10 years ago, God has already forgotten about those, and therefore so should I. But I am keeping short accounts, and I can tell you the freedom that comes with that is greater than ignoring it or burying it, thinking God won’t see it!

I am repenting for my wrong thinking. For my doubt and for my fears.
I am laying it all at the foot of the Cross, leaving it there, and walking away in love and freedom.
It’s an amazing feeling, seriously, you should try it!