Faith,  Life

What’s Wrong With The Odd F-Bomb?

Actually, for me, there’s a lot wrong with it!
For those of you who follow me on social media, you will know that I put up all the books I read.
I set myself a goal each year to read more books than the previous year and document this on social media. I am surprised at how many people follow my book-reading journey and will read one of the books I recommended.
When people do this, I feel a responsibility to be honest with each book. It’s not that I do in-depth reviews, but if someone is going to read a book I recommend, I need to be honest about it. And this is where the f-bomb comes into it, let me explain…..

You may call me prudish, old-fashioned, or antiquated, but I don’t like swear words! I don’t use them, I don’t like listening to them, and I don’t particularly appreciate reading them. I know the world is changing and we need to embrace all those changes, but for me, it’s a slippery slide.

If I allow my standards to drop with the words I chose to use (or read), then what else will I let slip?
Telling lies….it’s only a little white lie.
Stealing… it’s only a bar of chocolate, no one will notice.
Adultery… it’s only thoughts, it won’t harm me.
Deception…no one ever needs to know.
Pornography….but apart from that, it’s a really great tv show.

I know those things sound extreme, but it’s a slow slippery slope when we let our standards drop in one area. What we once thought was unacceptable, slowly becomes okay. It’s easy to say “It’s just….” like it doesn’t matter and won’t affect other areas of our lives.

I am not naive enough to think I will never come across another cuss word in my life, but I can minimize it with what I chose to read and watch. This is something God pulled me up on a few years ago, and so I have no problem turning off a tv program or putting down a book because of the language used.
You may not have a problem with cuss words, and that’s okay. But for me, it’s not something I want to embrace and allow, and I want to live as best as I can to the way God has called me.

So if you ever read one of the books I recommend, I will let you know about the language used, whether you care about that or not. And I can tell you, there are several books I won’t recommend because the language has been so offensive to me. In fact, there have been many a book I have stopped because it just didn’t sit right with me. Those ones will def not be on my recommended reading list!