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    Who Are You Investing Into?

    Lately, Phil and I have been having “marriage meetings” Now I know what you are thinking, poor things, why would they do that, sounds way too formal and way too boring! But, really, it’s just a good excuse to sit…

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    I am super proud of our kids! I like to boast to people about them, so much so that I often embarrass them! But if I was going to be completely honest….they are not perfect. Sorry Mum & Dad if…

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    Ever have one of those moments when you feel like you’re a great parent? I know we all have the moments when we wonder how much we will spend on counselling for our kids when they get older, but every…

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    We All Know What Day It Is…..

    C’mon, don’t let me down! You know what day it is today, it’s a pretty significant day in my calendar! No, it’s not my birthday, that was a couple of weeks ago, and may I add it also just happens…

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    Yip, We’re One Of Those Families Cont….

    So at the end of 2011, it was time for us to choose a High School for Jackson. Now, back in the day, you went to the closest school to your house, there were no comparing schools, choosing which had…

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    Who Gets The Best Of You?

    Each minute of every day, we are presented with a choice on how we spend our time. We can either miss the moments or grasp them. I have been challenged this week with not just where I spend my time,…

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    35 Days And Counting…..

    Well, my Poppet turns 13 next month! Seriously, where has the time gone? I know that’s what all old people say, but it seemed like only yesterday that she was a tiny tot bouncing on my knee, with the chubbiest…

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    How Did God Do That?

    God did something this week that Phil and I have been trying to do for months. Now it’s no surprise that God can do something we can’t, but it would have saved us some frustration if we had just realized…

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    Is It A Bird, Is It A Plane…….

    No, Its SUPER-MUM! Phil has been away at a conference this week, so it’s just been me and the kids at home. I’m not quite sure what it is, but when Phil is away, I turn into Super-Mum, which is…

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    Grumpy Cow Syndrome!

    So after last week’s honesty list, I was all set to blow my own trumpet this week! I had it all planned out in my mind, to tell you all about the good things, brag about what a great job…