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    Embracing A New Season!

    The good thing about hard seasons, is they come to an end, The hard thing about good seasons, is they also come to an end! Seasons come and go, I know that. But when a season you have been in…

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    Our Kids Are Kind Of Okay!

    I am ridiculously proud of our kids! They are both incredibly awesome humans and some days I wonder what we did to get such amazing kids. It feels as though I blinked and all of a sudden we have young…

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    Just One More…

    Currently, I am sitting here in tears! It’s just one of those days where the tears are sitting on the surface, just waiting to come cascading down my face. at any point, and for no reason at all. Nothing is…

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    It’s A New Season Baby Girl!

    Dear Gracie, My Mammas’ heart is hurting today. But you know what? I am fine. I will be fine. And I will get through this. But today my heart aches. Today is an end of an era for you. I…

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    My Time Is Drawing Near!

    It’s true, but no, I am not dying! Well not any quicker than I was yesterday anyway. But I am very aware at the moment, that the time I get to spend with the kids is going to be changing…

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    Parents of Teenagers….Please Read.

    To say I am disturbed is an understatement. To say I am lost for words would be another. To say I am struggling with what I have seen, would be yet another massive understatement. I have just finished the series…

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    Where’s The Grace?

    There’s a story floating around the internet at the moment about a Mum who got so sick of her daughter’s messy room, that she placed ALL her daughters stuff into bags and was selling them back to her daughter at…

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    Endure or Enjoy?

    I had lunch with a good friend of mine the other day, and man, I love catching up with her! To be honest, we haven’t been friends for long, but you know, sometimes you just click with someone straight away.…

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    My Girl……

    I remember when I was 15. I was a screwed up mess of a kid who struggled with who I was and doubted whether I had any worth on this planet. I was insecure, afraid of the world and all…

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    It’s Not All About The Stuff!

    Last week Gracie and I went to see Sam Smith. For those of you who don’t know who Sam Smith is, according to Gracie, he is the greatest and latest, and most coolest singer EVER! Gracie had been counting down…