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    Even When….

    Even When! 2 small words that have had a huge impact on my life at the moment. I had the privilege of speaking at Church last Sunday night. I say it is a privilege as it is not something I…

  • The Death Of Who I Thought I Would Be….

    There is a lot of loss in my life at the moment. God is putting to death some things that probably should have been put to death many years ago, but God in His infinite wisdom is dealing with it…

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    It Will Be Beautiful In The End.

    This is what a friend said to me the other day. It will be beautiful in the end. We were talking about the blog I wrote last week (if you missed it, you can read it here) and we were…

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    The Death of a Dream.

    It is never easy saying goodbye. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a temporary goodbye or a permanent one, they are hard. I have had a couple of goodbyes this week, and neither of them was particularly fun! The first one…

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    Snakes & Ladders

    I love board games! My family will attest to this. Ever since I was a kid I have loved playing games. And as the kids have grown, we have always played games as a family. Now I am not a…

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    What’s Your Best Feature?

    That’s a tough question. Well, it is for me and for some other women I know! We had a women’s event at Church the other night, and as you do at women’s events, we had some ice breaker questions. You…

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    Kick Boxing, Sugar Free, Juicing & Other Fun Things!

    I know, I know! It’s been a while since you have seen or heard from me. Life got a little crazy towards the end of last year and I just needed a bit of space to breathe and get things…

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    Just Be Kind, People!

    There’s a saying that goes “Be kind, everyone you meet is facing a battle you know nothing about.” The other day I was scrolling through facebook on my phone. I was in a bit of a hurry, and so I…

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    Getting My Brave On…..

    This week I did something brave! I didn’t save the world from famine, I didn’t rescue a kitten from a tree or save a drowning child. I didn’t skydive from a plane and I didn’t swim with sharks. But even…

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    Fiercely Independant…..Or Am I?

    I am quite an independent person really! I don’t really like being told what to do and I can look after myself. I am fiercely strong-willed and would rather work things out on my own than ask for help……or so I…