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    And no, I am not talking about the movie! Ever have one of those moments you wish you could shrivel up and die? One of those moments in time, you wish you could turn back and just delete? That moment…

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    When Tired Doesn’t Even Begin To Describe It…..

    You know that moment when you’ve had enough? When you’re just so jolly tired your brain turns to mush? When nothing makes sense and you cry at the drop of a hat? When even the simplest of decisions seems way…

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    But I Want A Red Band!

    Remember the “In” Crowd at School? Remember how everyone wanted to be part of their club? Remember how it felt to not be part of it? Well, those memories came flooding back to me a couple of weeks ago when…

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    As I wrote last week, it can be pretty lonely out here on the net. And so when I came across Lori and the blog post she had written, I was just so encouraged! I have asked Lori permission to share…

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    Why Do I Do What I Do?

    This is something I often ask myself! Why? Why do I write? Why do I put my life on the net for all to see? Why do I put myself out there, week after week, month after month? At Declare…

  • Becoming a Pastors Wife….

    So last week I wrote about the roller coaster ride we have been on lately and the process of us eventually buying a house. If you missed it, you can read it here. The real reason we couldn’t find a…

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    God’s Perfect Timing!

    Wow! What an incredibly emotional couple of weeks we have had. Actually, it has been a roller coaster couple of months! Ok, if I was going to be completely honest, it has been that way since the start of the…

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    Endure or Enjoy?

    I had lunch with a good friend of mine the other day, and man, I love catching up with her! To be honest, we haven’t been friends for long, but you know, sometimes you just click with someone straight away.…

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    My Top 3 Puppy Life Lessons…

    Last week I promised you my top 3 lessons Pepper has taught me over the last couple of weeks, so here we go….. My Top 3 Puppy Life Lessons: 1. Slow Down! You know we are always so busy. Even…

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    Life Lessons From A Puppy!

    If you have followed me at all on facebook or Instagram in the last 2 weeks, you will have seen that we are now the proud new parents of a puppy! That’s right……a puppy! I know right? Crazy! Who in their…