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    Do You Know What You Stand For?

    Last week I took a stand and, to be honest, I struggled writing that post! (you can read it here if you missed it) I got Phil to read and re-read it for me and take some bits out! I…

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    February! It’s February! Seriously, how did that happen? One minute I am casually cruising through January, still in holiday mode and the next thing I know we are already one month into the year and February is upon us! Oh…

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    A Change is Coming…

    Don’t you just love a new year? So many opportunities. A chance at a new start, a new beginning, a new chapter in your life. Really, you can do that at any time of the year,  but there is something about…

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    My Top 2 Life Lessons from 2014

    So, I know it’s been a little while since I have written. I was going to start with an apology and a million excuses why, but the reality is, I am in holiday mode so haven’t felt like writing or…

  • My 5 Top Tips for a Stress Free Christmas….

    Okay, so I know not everyone loves Christmas as much as I do, but you know what? We can all enjoy this festive season with family and friends. You don’t need to go overboard quite as much as I do,…

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    It’s December, So You Know What That Means…..

    So I sat down today to write a blog about Christmas and thought I would double-check what I wrote about last year so I don’t repeat myself. But you know, what I wrote last year still resonates with me, so…

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    How Different things could have Been…

    As I type this, I am sitting in the car park at Church. I have been rehearsing while the kids are at Youth. I finished earlier than they did so I am sitting here watching them in the Youth Hall.…

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    No, My Life Is Not Perfect!

    Really people? I am having so many comments thrown at me at the moment about my life being perfect! Seriously? Perfect? Is that what you think? Really? I have to laugh! I can see on one hand why people would…

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    My Teenage Son Is In Love……HELP!

    It was bound to happen sooner or later right?. Ok, so I was hoping for later, but it was inevitable. It happens to all teenagers, yep it even happened to me, so why would my son be any different? My teenage…