A New Season
As I write today, I am sitting on the deck and the sun is streaming on my back, warming me right through to my soul. As I look out I see our cherry blossom tree in full bloom, fields, and fields of yellow daffodils (we are blessed to live by commercial growers, so we get to enjoy the view but don’t have to do all the hard work!) and our 4 new lambs are jumping around the paddock.
It feels good to be coming out of winter, and sitting on my deck is a reminder of all the new growth that is going on, not only around me but also in me.
It has been a long, cold, and very hard winter. I am not talking about the weather as such, actually I love winter weather, but it’s more the journey God has me on at the moment. I know it is a growth season I am in, but it has felt long, cold, and barren.
God has told me to stand. To stand strong in the dreams, He has given me and to not be shaken by the things of this world. It is hard to remain standing when you are tired and all you want to do is sit. My faith is being tested. My perseverance, my will power, and stamina are being strengthened and I feel I am being stretched beyond what is comfortable to me. But I continue to stand. Waiting in hope, knowing that God will give me each day what I need to get through.
But as the weather warms up, and we move into spring, I feel an excitement in my spirit of the new things God is birthing in me. I am excited to step into a new season. A season with a renewed sense of purpose. A season I gladly walk into with an open heart, a willingness to be molded, and for God to work through me. A time to see more of my dreams fulfilled, and to continue to grow into all God has called me to be.
Yip, I’m definitely excited for this next season!

Secret Seven To The Rescue
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