Faith,  Life

Dreaming With God

Okay, so ya’ll know I have written about this before right?

It is one of my passions, and until I see every single person in my life living their God-sized dream, I will not relent!

I will keep on writing about it till I am blue in the face, till I have run out of words or I have no followers left! Seriously, this is how passionate I am!

The other week I had the absolute privilege and honour of speaking to a group of young Mums.
An incredible woman in our Church has the most amazing ministry serving young Mums and their babies, and she asked if I would share with the Mums. And I knew straight away what I would speak on…….my passion of course! And man, did I get excited. Being let loose in a room full of women, speaking about dreams, this, well this is the stuff that my dreams are made of!

There was only one catch…..this was not necessarily a Christ following group of women. Now the event was held at Church and I am a Pastor’s wife so I kinda figured they knew I loved Jesus but to speak on dreams while taking the God factor out is hard.

I mean, I eluded to God, and I talked about my faith, but how do you encourage women to pursue their dreams when they don’t know Him yet? How do you give them hope without pointing to the one who is hope? How do you speak into their lives without pointing them to the one who gives life?

For me, it just feels so empty without God at the helm and leading me through the murky waters that is my life! I struggle to see how people do life without Him, and I just want to scream at them (with love of course!) “Don’t you know that life is better with Jesus? Don’t you know you don’t have to do this alone? He is just there waiting for you to ask Him for help and guidance. Just ask, He is waiting for you to just ask. Dare to dream, in fact, dream so big that it scares you and see what God will do.”

But then I got to thinking of some of my “Christian” friends, and I feel like I could scream the very same thing at them? Because I am convinced that half of them forget that Jesus is just waiting for them to ask, and for whatever reason they come up with in their mind, they don’t!

Whether you are a follower or one that is yet to follow, Ask! Just ask Him, and He will give you guidance. Ask Him and He will lead you on a journey towards your dreams and your hearts desires.

So my friends, just ask!

And dream! Dream big audacious scary dreams that can only come to fruition with Him. Dream beyond your imagination and dream far beyond your reality. Dream with God and see what happens! Go on, I dare you…..