
Be Kind

The other week I ran into a friend at the Mall. She seemed totally distracted and after a brief chat I walked away wondering what was going on in her world. I thought to myself I must text her later to make sure she was ok.

But I didn’t.
I forgot.
I got busy.
I got distracted with what was going on in my own world.
I let other priorities creep in.
I was lazy.

And then life carried on and the moment was lost!

I hate to admit it, but this happens to me often! I am full of good intentions, but the follow through is not always there. I often think about e-mailing someone, texting them or sending them a note in the mail. I think to myself at the time, that it’s a great idea, then the moment passes, and I do nothing about it!

We have had an incredibly up and down month with our house being on the market, and friends have been awesome with little notes, texts and calls of encouragement. They have taken time out of their busy day to think about us, but more importantly act on it. I am so appreciative of these friends who realise how important this is to us, even though they are busy with their own lives.

So, it got me thinking about me and my “good intentions” No one’s life is changed by good intentions. No one feels special or loved through good intentions. And no one makes a difference in this world with just good intentions.

The dictionary defines intention as “an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.” So actually, it doesn’t matter how good my intentions are, without follow through, they are wasted!

Now, I don’t believe in co-incidences and so when someone pops into my mind, I do have to wonder if and why God has placed them on my heart. I know the times I have followed through on “good intentions” that the person has said how perfect the timing was for the meal I cooked, the note I sent or the encouraging text I flicked through!

And you know what? Nothing about these acts was hard! Sure, it took a little effort but it was nothing that was scary or took me out of my comfort zone.

So my goal this week is to act on my good intentions! Not to just think it’s a good idea, but to get off my butt and actually do something about it. Who knows how my actions can change someone’s world this week!
