
Ever Feel Overwhelmed, Or Is It Just Me?

Sometimes life is a little overwhelming right?
Please tell me I am not the only one who feels like this?
Nope, I didn’t think so!

Some days I am going along just fine with my to-do list, working away at it quite happily and then all of a sudden, someone adds something to it and I turn into a blubbering mess and along come the feelings of “I can’t do this” “It’s all too much” “What was I thinking, I can’t do all that is on my plate”. “Can I just quit?”

Now, when this happens we often go with our “feelings”. We decide that it’s all too hard, feelings of inadequacy creep into our mind and we almost quit before we get started! We start “feeling” unworthy, useless and often like a failure cause we can’t do it all (I’m not even sure where we got the idea that we could!)

Now, these feelings may not be helpful, but it’s what we do with those feelings that dictate what comes next…

If my life was dictated by my feelings, I don’t think I would achieve a whole lot! Feelings are so fickle and are dependant on our circumstances or situation. I am sure I would spend my whole life in front of Netflix eating chips and sipping on  coke zero if I lived by how “I feel.”

What I am realising more and more, is that when those overwhelming feelings come, I need to combat them with Gods truth. That is the only thing that can and will change how I am feeling and restore calm to my soul.

I put on Worship music, I get into His word (there is a never-ending supply of truth in that one book alone!) I Bible Journal, or I simply talk to God and say “Please help me, Lord!”

Whatever it takes to move me from “feeling” to “knowing”

Simple right?
Well yes, in theory, it is!
But often we go with our “feelings” because it seems so much easier (I mean, who doesn’t want to watch Netflix and eat chips instead of being responsible?) Some days it is a battle to believe His truth over the lies of the enemy and we need to be diligent in knowing His word. If we don’t know His word, how can we know His truth?

And so my friends, my encouragement to you (and myself) is this……

Don’t rely on your feelings. They are fickle and will let you down. That doesn’t mean we ignore them, but it does mean we keep them in check and we don’t let them rule us.

And secondly, but most importantly, know Gods truth! Read it, sing it, write it, bleed it! Whatever it takes for you to get soaked in His truth of who you are, do it!

Life is not easy friends. Now that doesn’t mean there arent moment of sheer beauty because they are always there if we look for them. But people are overwhelmed. People face battles every day that we may never see. Battles that are keeping them from being all God has for them. Battles that are overwhelming. Battles that the enemy is currently winning.

So let’s be kind. Let’s treat each other with a little love and understanding.
Let’s champion each other on to all that we have been called to be!

And remember……Take a deep breathe and know you and God have got this!