


We all have them right?
Good feelings.
Bad feelings.
Happy feelings.
Sad feelings.

Feelings are all very well and good. They serve a purpose and we all have them, so there is no point in denying them. The problem comes when we allow our feeling to override our rational thoughts. Feelings are fickle and cannot be relied on! One minute we are up and the next minute we are down, all in the space of a millisecond!

Over the last couple of weeks, God has been teaching me to not rely on my feelings. To get past them and do things because I know its the right thing to do. It’s not always easy but the more I become aware, hopefully, the easier it will become! Right?

Here’s an example:

Last week I spent the week in Auckland with 21 of our youth from Church. To be honest, I didn’t feel like going!
I was tired, I was sick and I didn’t “feel like it”. It would have been easy for me to pull out and spend the week at home. But I have learned over the years that the easy option is not always the best option. And so I put on my big girl pants, and despite how I was “feeling” I went anyway!

And what an incredible week! I had such an amazing time with God and amazing connections with the youth. I was exhausted by the end of the week, but boy was I so thankful that I went. I would have hated to miss any of it, and got so much revelation while I was away. But oh how easy it was in my mind to pull out because “I didn’t feel like it”

And then last Sunday. We were back from Shout, I was still not feeling well,  I was exhausted, and I was sore (unknown to me at the time was that I had cracked a rib in the mosh pit, which is a whole nother story for another day!). It would have been so easy to stay home in bed. I didn’t “feel” like going to Church. I felt like staying in my warm cosy bed and watching Netflix. But I put my feelings to the side and made the effort to get to Church (I even showered!) and again, what an amazing morning I had.

So I am learning that feelings are an important part of life, they are just not meant to dictate how we live life!
And so as I carry on this week, still feeling under the weather, I am acknowledging how I feel, but I am not letting that stop me doing what God has called me to do!

One Comment

  • Sharon

    Such truth. We are taught at a young age that we need to listen to our feelings on everything. But the damage that does us as adults is alarming. I know I have issues with this too so thank you Kathy that I know now I am not the only one. My mum told me not to base my marriage on feelings that I do or don’t have, so then I can think more rationally and make better decisions. Best advice ever. Love your heart in this. Thanks heaps.