The enemy’s Weapons – pt 2
Last time on the blog I shared some of the (subtle) tactics the enemy uses to distract us and keep us from being all we can be!
You can read all about that here if you missed it!
So, in this installment, I am going to give you the second half of my list…..okay, here we go:
Lemon, Lime & Bitterness
The drink of bitterness can be a hard one to swallow! It’s so easy to let things from our past turn us bitter!
“But she never visited me when I was sick.”
“No one cooked me a meal when I had a baby.”
“No one messaged me when I missed Church.”
And so on, and so on, and so on!
Now really, we all have things that could turn us bitter, but we have to see it for what it is. A subtle trick of the enemy to make us feel unloved and unworthy. To make us think we are alone and that no one cares about us. And if we are bitter about our lives then we are way less effective than what we could be!
The Book of Excuses & Justifications
How often are we asked to do something and our immediate response is an excuse or a justification of why we can’t do it!
“Aww, sorry I am busy.”
“Aww, sorry I can’t, the kids have a thing.”
“Aww, sorry I have other commitments.”
And again, the list could go on and on!
Yes, we are all busy have full lives, but we can spend half our life making excuses when in all seriousness, that time could be spent actually helping!
Planning is a great way to keep your time in check, and I have found that if you are passionate about something, then you will make the time to fit it in!
Device of Distraction
This one right here is a killer! Devices, whether it’s your phone, tablet, laptop, tv watching or gaming, they will rob you of so much time! This is the one the enemy throws at me all the time.
Ohh just half an hour on Pinterest and then I’ll do some work.
I’ll just quickly check facebook.
I’ll just watch one episode.
And then BAM! All of a sudden you have wasted a whole night, or a good couple of hours and you wonder where all your time has gone!
Do not let the enemy steal away from you what God has placed in you.
Sunglasses of Ignorance
“What do you mean those people need help, I don’t see anything.”
“I don’t really think it’s as bad as they think it is.”
“It’s not as terrible as they say it is.”
The Sunglasses of ignorance are so easy to put on, and think the world isn’t really as bad as people think it is! Actually, my friends, it is! There are people headed straight to hell because they are unseen, unheard and no one has noticed their need. Let’s take off those sunglasses and let our hearts break for what breaks Gods.
Sideline Binoculars
Again, this is a subtle tool the enemy uses. We can think that by cheering others on, we are doing our part. I’m sorry, but it’s not!
Absolutely we are to cheer others on. I am all for that, and often I find myself being someone’s biggest cheerleader (words of affirmation are my primary love language!) But that doesn’t negate what God has called me to do. We cannot be sideline sitters watching all that is going on. We are to be in the middle of it!
So that my friends, are just a few of the tools the enemy will use to take us out. It isn’t always an outright attack, but often those subtle, small things, that can lead to apathy and complacency.
But it’s not all bad! God has equipped us with all we need to fight our battles. Join me next time as I share the biggest weapon God has given me (and maybe you too!) to fight the good fight He’s called me to fight!

The Enemy's subtle weapons!

My Greatest Weapon...
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