Faith,  Life

Walking Into 2019 With Purpose

2019, I welcome you with arms wide open!
Okay, so I know we are almost halfway through January, but I feel like I am ready to face the world again!

It happens to me every year without fail. We hit the new year and all I want to do is run and hide and quit my life as I know it. Now it’s not that I have a bad life, in fact if you know me at all, you will know that I absolutely #lovemylife, but for some reason, the start of January is the start of my “I can’t do this anymore, I want to run away and hide and never come back” season!

Thankfully it doesn’t last long before I come to my senses and again run at life with all I have!

The end of 2018 was a tough one, and it kind of hit me like a bullet train travelling a million miles an hour! It has taken a couple of weeks of intentional slowing down to start to feel “normal” again and I am so thankful I have had the space to do that.

As I sit here this morning watching the sunrise, I am reminded that His mercies are new every morning. It sounds so cliche I know, but it is so true! Every morning I wake with breath in my lungs, is another opportunity.

Another opportunity to appreciate all that I have.
Another opportunity to make a difference in someone’s world.
Another opportunity to enjoy this beautiful life I have been given.
Another opportunity to give thanks to the One who makes it all possible.

Every morning is another opportunity to reflect back on the last couple of months, acknowledge the heartache and the hardness of that season, be thankful that God was with me every step of the way, but most importantly, look forward in anticipation to a new season.

As I sit and dream with God, I can’t help but get excited about 2019. I feel like for the first time in quite a few years, I am walking into this new year with purpose, knowing exactly what I am called to do. Now, I am also being wise and holding that loosely as we all know plans can change in a heartbeat. But I am so ridiculously excited at what this year holds for me.

So, 2019, I am ready for all you have for me. I am ready to sink my teeth into projects. I am ready to make a difference. I am ready to embrace all you have for me. And I am so ready to have some fun along the way!