Burnout,  Faith

Why I’m eating an Elephant!

We all know the saying right?
How do you eat an elephant……one bite at a time!

The thing is, I feel like my life is like eating an elephant at the moment.
I have tried the whole “all or nothing” approach to life for as long as I can remember and what I am discovering, is that it is not working for me! (who knew!)

Whether it’s healthy eating, exercise, Bible reading, housework, it doesn’t matter what it is, I have used the all or nothing approach. Now this is great if it is “all” but when it is “nothing” it feels like ALL area’s of my life are failing, even if I am winning in some.

So I am trying a new approach!
I am learning to eat the elephant (my life) one bite at a time, and I am documenting all my small wins!

I have bought myself a shiny new journal, put a pic of an elephant on the front and have called it

“Kathy’s Elephant Eating Journal”

And in this journal I am documenting all the small wins in a day:
Having a healthy meal.
Bible Journaling.
Being kind to myself.
Getting some exercise.
Catching up with a friend.

Some days there are lots of wins, and some days not so many….but that’s okay!

Whatever it is, I am documenting the small things, and not focusing on what I haven’t done!
Now these things in themselves are not life-changing things, but if I want to change my life for the better, it is going to be done one bite at a time until I have established new routines and disciplines for myself. It’s about learning to be happy with the small and not beat myself up about all I haven’t done!

I don’t need to change everything all at once, one bite at a time will still get me there.
Instead of writing off a whole day (or week, or even month) because I didn’t achieve ALL the things I wanted to (and a lot of that is most likely unrealistic expectations!)  I am learning to take the small wins. To recognize the good things that I do on a daily basis that is helping me to get out of this season of burn out I am currently walking through.

So as I write all the small bites in my journal, I know I will eventually eat that elephant, maybe slower than I would like, but it will all be eaten in God’s perfect timing!



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