When God chases you down!
I love God.
I know that is the most simplistic 3 words sentence ever but it is the truth!
I honestly don’t know how people live without Him.
In the midst of walking through the wilderness this year, I have not pursued God. Not really. Not like I should have.
Sure, I have had quiet times, I have read my Bible, I have purposefully slowed down in my endeavor to walk through this season well, but when it comes down to it, I have not pursued Him with relentless pursuit.
But the beautiful thing about God is in the midst of my mess, He has pursued me. Unconditionally, wholeheartedly and relentlessly!
This morning as I meditated on His word, I was reading Psalm 6 and one line really struck me:
“The Lord heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.” (vs 9)
I sat for what seemed like ages and pondered on that one sentence, the Lord accepts my prayer. Every single one of them. He doesn’t put conditions on the ones He accepts, He accepts them all.
Even the ones that sound more like whinging than praying. The ones that sound like shopping lists, the ones that feel half-hearted at best, even the ones that are muttered out of frustration and disappointment. God accepts every single one of them.
And then I got to really thinking about my prayers! And in realizing how much I have struggled this year, not once has he left me to my own devices. Through it all, my tears, my tantrums, my confusion, my heartache, He has been there every step of the way, loving me unconditionally and accepting every prayer I whispered to Him. Even when I gave up on myself, He never did.
But not only has He been there for me, accepting my prayers, He has relentlessly pursued me. Chased after me like I was the most precious thing in the world to Him! Not once has He left me. Not once. Time after time when I was too tired or too battle-weary to seek Him, He was there waiting with patience and grace, whispering how much He loves me, drawing me near and reminding me of the good plans He has for me.
This song has been on repeat for me this morning.
As the tears flowed, I found myself on my knees in prayer. Not just wishy-washy prayers, but prayers from the depth of my soul. The kind of prayers that are uttered inbetween the sobs that get stuck in your throat.
Prayers of gratitude for His relentless pursuit of me. Prayers of thankfulness for His unconditional acceptance of who I am and what I struggle with. Prayers of thanksgiving for all He has given me. And prayers of praise that He has not finished with me yet.
So my friends, if you find yourself in a season where you are not chasing after God with all that you have, it’s okay!
I pray that you will seek God with all your heart, but until then, know that God loves you with a love so deep and so pure that our human brains cannot even comprehend. And He loves you so much that He will chase after you with relentless love.

Finding Grace.....

Do they know?
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One Comment
Glenn Boyd
Thank you
By His Grace.