Faith,  Life

Every Little Thing Matters

“Wisdom makes decisions today that will still be good tomorrow”

This was a line in a book I have just finished reading for the 3rd time and it has my mind whirling at a thousand miles an hour!
I think that’s what I love about books. They have the ability to make me think outside my normal thinking patterns and challenge what I thought I knew.

“The Best Yes” by Lysa Terkeurst is one of those books! I absolutely love Lysa and her writings. This is her 5th book I have read and like all the others, this one really challenged me. I love the way she writes with beauty and grace yet slams me with God’s truth! She inspires me to be more than I currently am, and to pursue God for all that he has for me.

So the line in this book really got me thinking. How many decisions do we make in a day and what impact do they have on our lives, not just today but tomorrow and the days to come?

Well according to the internet, the average adult makes 35,000 decisions a day! That is a lot of decisions. And what I am learning is that all of those decisions have an impact on where I am headed.

If I choose to lie in front of the TV for 6 hours a day and eat junk food, then I will end up fat with no direction in life…..I know that may sound harsh, but that’s the reality for me!

In contrast, if I spend my time reading (good) books, spending time with God, time in His Word, If I eat healthy (with the odd treat!) and make wise choices, then I will end up way more healthy and closer to God with a clearer direction of where He is taking me.

I definitely want to go where God is taking me. I haven’t always said that, in fact, in the past, I have run in the other direction, but the more He reveals to me, the more I believe in His ability to change me, and the more I believe in His truth about who I am. I am excited about where He wants to take me. But I will not discover it if I am making poor choices.

ALL of our choices have consequences, both good and bad! What I choose to do today, or choose not to do, will have consequences in all of my tomorrows. And I know what I want my tomorrows to look like, so I am making some wise, but hard choices today.

I am denying the flesh and listening to my spirit. I am putting down that doughnut and picking up those carrot sticks! I am turning off the TV and I am saturating myself in God’s word. I am listening to His voice and fighting off the lies of the enemy.

Now I am not being extreme! I am not denying myself any pleasures, but I am limiting them as I know that they will have an impact, and I want to embrace all the good that God has for me.

Friends, all those small choices you are making today will impact your tomorrow. Just like the choices you have made in the past, have led you to where you are today! So what is it that you want your tomorrow to look like? What outrageous possibilities has God got in store for you? What small choice can you make today that will have a huge impact on your tomorrow?