Burnout,  Life

When Life Doesn’t Make Sense…..

I don’t know about you, but there have been moments this year that have made no sense!
There have been so many ups and downs and we’re constantly told we’re living in “unprecedented” times. If someone told me this time last year what this year would hold, I honestly don’t think I would have believed them!

Like most people, this year has not turned out how I thought it would. Not only have we lived through a worldwide pandemic, but for me personally, I have been living in a world turned upside down!

God decided in His wisdom, that this was the year to re-establish who I am in Him. To strip me from all my worldly titles, to draw me back to Him, to live in the truth of who He has called me to be.
It has been a hard journey. There have been moments of frustration and despair, moments where nothing has made sense, and moments where I wish things were not as they are. In saying all of that, there have also been moments of sheer beauty.

I have battled with who the world tells me I should be, and who God is actually calling me to be. I have fought to find my identity, and I have laid all my plans at the foot of the cross. 

And then to add to all of this, we decided to sell our home! Our beautiful, comfortable, safe place, “I love our home” home!
Phil has been wanting to downsize for over a year now but I just wasn’t ready. It’s been something I have been praying about for a while now and about 4 weeks ago, God said the time is now!

And since that moment it has been (another) whirlwind of emotions! Cleaning, sorting, packing, and decluttering to get it all ready, and then it sold within 2 days of being on the market! If that’s not God’s favor, then I don’t know what is! No negotiations, no open homes, no one picking our house to bits, just a clean simple sale! And only 3 weeks to find somewhere else!!!

I think in the past this would have sent me in a tailspin, but I am learning to keep my eyes on God and not what the world would tell me, things like there are literally 2 rental properties in TA!

As of today, we have 2 weeks till we move out and PRAISE THE LORD, we have a place to live! It’s temporary, and it’s small (I guess that’s what we wanted right?) but it is not a tent or a caravan which was what Phil has been teasing me with!

The road ahead is still wide open and I cant wait to see what God does! It is a little bit mudly in the meantime as we cant move into the new place until 2 weeks after we have moved out of our house, but again, God has provided and we get a wee holiday at the beach in between moves…….how awesome is He?

To sum up this week, I am exhausted! I am teary at the thought of leaving our home, but I am excited to see what God has for us. I go from tears to laughter within minutes and sometimes all at the same time!

So the best thing you can do when life doesn’t make sense is to cling to God!

I am drawing close to Him and trusting Him in the process. I know He has me in this. I know He has a plan even if I can see it just yet.
And I am thankful.


  • Katie Mills

    Another chapter for your book!
    God is taking you on an amazing journey Kathy and the thing that stands out to me is your continual obedience in surrendering to the Lord. You’re an inspiration ❤️

  • Kathy Strong

    Aww, I miss you too my friend! I was going to come to the US for the last Declare conference, but because of Covid I am not allowed to travel out of NZ! xxx

  • Stacy

    I miss you. Love your words and how you always point to our Faithful Father. Can’t wait to see what the Lord is up to in your life!