Putting Pen To Paper…..
As I sit in my office (my local Library this week) I am surrounded by books.
Hundreds upon hundreds of books line the countless shelves. Row after row of colorful titles stare out at me, each one begging to be picked up and perused.
Every author represented by these pieces of literature thought their message was good enough to present to the world. Each one of them believing enough in their message to put it out for public scrutiny.
Each one believing in not only their message but also believing in themselves and their abilities.
Book upon book lie before me. From insects to information, from disasters to drama, and from cooking to crochet, every subject you could ever think of has been covered…….multiple times!
“So why me God? What have I got to offer that hasn’t already been written? What can I bring of value? And not wanting to repeat myself God, but why me?”
As I sit contemplating these things, I am overwhelmed by the task ahead of me. To be honest, it terrifies me.
It would be so much safer and easier to sit in my comfy chair at home, puppy on my lap, a mug of tea in one hand, and a well-written book in the other. It’s so much safer to read a book than to write one. And I’m finding it easier to write about writing a book than to actually put pen to paper!
Am I ready for the critics?
Am I ready for family and friends to share their opinions and reviews?
Am I ready for my words to be scrutinized and brutalized by an Editor?
Am I ready to put myself out there for the world to see?
The answer is no.
No, I’m not ready, but if I waited till I was ready, let’s be honest, it would never happen! If every writer waited for just the right time or until they were completely ready, I’m sure we wouldn’t have half the literary masterpieces we have today!
So many thoughts swirl around my head as I look at a sea of books before me, written by people with more self-confidence than what I obviously have! And at this very moment, it seems ironic to be writing a book in a Library!
But I sit back and I close my eyes. I shut out what everyone else has done, and I focus on what God has called me to do.
He hasn’t asked me to write a Nobel prize-winning book.
He hasn’t asked me to write a NY bestseller.
He hasn’t even asked me to write a book that will be on a top ten list.
Whether or not any of that happens is not the point, God has asked me to write.
And so that’s what I’ll do. I will block out the lies of the enemy, and I will focus on Him. The One who has called and equipped me. The author and perfector of my life. The One whom I lean on.
I will walk in obedience, leaving the outcome and uncertainties in His hands.
I will be obedient and write…….okay friends, here I go!

Finding Purpose...
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