Some Things Never Change…..
I love reminiscing! It is so good for the soul.
I love going through old photos and remembering times gone by. Beautiful memories flood my mind as I look back to when the kids were little and Phil and I were a few years younger! The good times definitely outweigh the bad, and reminiscing has a way of bringing the good to the surface.
This week I stumbled across an interview I did on a podcast 6 years ago. It was so fun listening to where I was all those years ago. If you like, you can listen to the podcast episode here.
6 years ago I had just become a “Pastors Wife” and we had just moved to TA. Jackson had just finished High School and Gracie was in the middle of her High School years. Oh, how life has changed since then!
But as I listened to the interview, I realized how many things have not changed! The path may look a little different these days but the core things of who I am are resolute.
I still love McDonald’s, Christmas, and my family.
I still have a passion for young girls, and a desire to see women set free. My love and devotion to God were as evident back then as it is today.
Over the last year or so I have questioned who I am and where I am going. Listening to the interview reminded me, that the DNA of who I am has not changed in the slightest. Sure the path is different, it has had way more twists and turns than I could have imagined, but my heart is unwavering in what it believes.
To be honest, this came as a huge relief! It shows me that no matter what I walk through, how many mountains I have to climb, or how many valleys I find myself in, I am still me!
It was encouraging to hear the passion in my voice before the enemy tried to take it. It was insightful to hear how happy I was and to be reminded that the season I am currently walking through hasn’t been the entirety of my life journey. It has just been a season. There was happiness and joy before it, and there will be happiness and joy again.
It felt good to hear the lightness in my voice. This season has felt so heavy and having heard how light it can be, I have resolved to once again find the light.
It was a timely reminder that I am still me! A few years older, and a few more grey hairs, but despite all the outward signs of change, my heart is steadfast.
So as I reflect and reminisce about how far I have come in the last few years, I am once again reminded that God is with me. He has always been with me and I am who I am because He is who He is.

It's Just A Number Right?
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