Our Kids Are Kind Of Okay!
I am ridiculously proud of our kids!
They are both incredibly awesome humans and some days I wonder what we did to get such amazing kids.
It feels as though I blinked and all of a sudden we have young adults! I know all parents say it, but I just don’t know where the years have gone! One minute we are in our jammies reading books about Bob the Builder, and the next minute we are talking mortgages and interest rates!
There are a number of reasons I am proud of them. This week Jackson got a promotion at work and Grace brought her first house, both of these things make my heart swell with pride.
But what really got me was watching them plan a youth event at Church. They sat around our dining room table and planned an epic mid-winter Christmas party….the fact that they are planning something Christmassy also does my heart good!
They sat there and worked out what the youth would love most. This was not a small plan and will take a lot to bring it to fruition, but this didn’t phase them.
Their servant hearts bought tears to my eyes.
Sure, I am proud of all their “worldly” achievements, but to see their hearts for Christ, to be following and serving Him with all they have, well that is the kind of pride no worldly achievements could bring.
Every (and I don’t use that word flippantly) week they serve at Church. Week after week they are there giving and serving. Not because they are the Pastor’s kids, not because Phil and I make them, but because they love God. As I watch them praise God and chase after Him with all that they have, the tears of thankfulness stream down my cheeks.
Some days you do wonder if you are doing an okay job as a parent! To be completely transparent, our kids are not perfect! They have both made mistakes they have had to pay dearly for. They both have flaws and failures, and they still annoy each other!
And then you wonder what you did right as a parent! I made mistakes along the way, and I didn’t always get it right. I had good parenting days, and some I would rather forget about. But what I have done consistently is pray for them. Good days, bad days, and everything in between, I have always prayed for them.
I have prayed many things for my kids but the most important thing has always been their relationship with Christ because really, everything else fails in comparison.
So to see them both following God wholeheartedly, I know my prayers have been answered, and I am incredibly thankful for His faithfulness.
I am one Blessed Mamma!
ps….the fact that they are adults and still make me a homemade birthday card every year because they know how much it means to me, also makes me super proud!

Some Things Never Change.....
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Amen to that!
I’m pretty proud of you all. To see each of you pursuing life with passion and faith, it’s what a dad wants to see. And, for our kids to both enter home-ownership before they were 21 is a credit to their financial stewardship and a fruit of their generosity. Onwards and upwards!