My Heart Is So Sad!
My heart aches at the moment!
And it’s not the usual stuff that’s causing it.
This week my heart aches for what I see going on in the world…..particularly on social media.
The division, the anger, the antagonistic posts, the hate speech that is being spewed, actually make me weep.
I don’t understand how loving people (and let’s be honest, Christ-loving people) can turn on each other when there is a differing of opinions. It’s as though there can only be one way, their way, and if you don’t agree then the hate comes out!
Mild-mannered friends now have strong opinions on everything virus-related and they aren’t shy in throwing their righteous opinions at you. In fact, they state their opinions like they are facts and if you don’t agree, well then you can be unfriended with the click of a button.
I refuse to get into debates on Facebook about whether we should all be wearing masks, whether we should be getting vaccinated, what rights we feel we deserve, or whether the government is trying to control us!
Sure I have opinions on those things, but I don’t feel the need to share those so others can agree with me and therefore validate that my opinion is right! I also don’t feel the need to dispute other people’s opinions, and to leave comments about how wrong they are (in my eyes). I am more than happy to talk face to face about such matters, but I don’t need a social media soapbox!
At the end of the day, we all have an opinion (and that’s all it is unless you are a recognized expert in a particular field!) I don’t mind people sharing their opinions, it just makes me sad when it turns nasty. When people share “stats” they found somewhere on the internet to prove their point, and let’s be honest, we can all find something on the internet that will back our theories right?
When people are being torn to shreds because of what they believe, while other people are trying to convince you that they are right by bringing others down. The negativity eats away at me and I just can’t take it anymore, so I am having a break from social media to heal my heart.
But I think what makes me the saddest is that people are reading social media before they are reading their Bibles. They are taking the opinions of others as gospel instead of the absolute truth of God which is unchanging and unshakable. They are being deceived by the enemy and playing into his game of divide and conquer.
And so my friend, and yes, I do consider you a friend, whether we agree or not, I am still your friend. I will walk with you whether we see eye to eye or not. I know what I believe, and if that’s different from you, please know that it doesn’t change the fact that I love and value our friendship.
Whether you are masked or unmasked, vaccinated or unvaccinated, feeling like you are being controlled or not, I call you friend and that will not change! Our friendship and connection are far more important than who is right or wrong.
And one last thing friends…… let’s be kind out there!