Faith,  Life

Peace In The Storm

I feel like my life has been one big ole whirlwind the last few months!
It feels like a storm that is out of control, trampling over every area of my life. My heart is getting tossed about like a dingy in a storm.
It’s not all bad, but like all storms, it comes with a rush and a flurry, with no respect for boundaries or limits to where it will go. Unpredictable, harsh, beautiful. On one hand, it’s like a howling wolf, and on the other, it feels like the breath of God, a fresh message of grace and love being blown into my life.

From moving into our new home to launching my book to my baby girl getting married, to the faith journey God currently has me on, it has been a beautiful, chaotic storm!

So many feelings and emotions have come upon me at all times of the day…and night!
Feelings of excitement, nervousness, trepidation, fear, delight, and amazement are but a few.

And then there are the questions, oh there are just so many questions:
Is my book good enough?
Did I hear correctly from God?
Do I deserve a beautiful new home?
Have I done all I can to prepare Gracie for marriage?
Could I have done more?
Am I learning all I can in this season?
Am I missing something God has for me?

But as I sit in the glow of the early morning light, I am consoled and content as I sit with God. He has everything in the palm of His hand. He knows my fears and my doubts. He knows my worries and He sees my anxious heart. He see’s every high and every low, and He is there, in every one of them. He is right beside me, always. And so I rest in Him. I ask all my questions, some He has answered, and some, not yet, but I know He is with me. I take a deep breath and inhale His unconditional love. I feel His presence.

And so I leave my questions at the Cross. I leave anxiety and despair. And I take the gift He is giving me if only I would take it. The gift of peace. His peace. The kind of peace that makes no worldly sense, but is so desperately needed. A peace that surpasses all understanding.  The kind of peace only God can give.

Slowing down is the only way my heart has time to process all that has happened and all that is coming.
And so I sit. I sit with unanswered questions and I sit with thanksgiving. I sit with my Maker who knows me intimately. I allow Him to invade my thoughts and permeate my soul. I allow His love to wash over me until all anxiety is erased. I welcome His love and am thankful for who He is and who He is calling me to be. A fresh wind is on the horizon and I feel it coming.

 Again, I give myself wholeheartedly to Him. The One who knows me and loves me. Peace be still.