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    Parents of Teenagers….Please Read.

    To say I am disturbed is an understatement. To say I am lost for words would be another. To say I am struggling with what I have seen, would be yet another massive understatement. I have just finished the series…

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    Are You Having Fun Today?

    Ever have one of those days where you don’t want to be the grown up? Where you just want someone else to be responsible and you can just do what you want? Well, to be honest, I have a few…

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    My Girl……

    I remember when I was 15. I was a screwed up mess of a kid who struggled with who I was and doubted whether I had any worth on this planet. I was insecure, afraid of the world and all…

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    When Your Heart Is About To Burst!

    We don’t always get it right as parents! Sometimes we are too strict, other times too lenient. Some days I have all the patience of a Saint, and other days I snap at the smallest things! Some days I feel like…

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    It’s December, So You Know What That Means…..

    So I sat down today to write a blog about Christmas and thought I would double-check what I wrote about last year so I don’t repeat myself. But you know, what I wrote last year still resonates with me, so…

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    My Teenage Son Is In Love……HELP!

    It was bound to happen sooner or later right?. Ok, so I was hoping for later, but it was inevitable. It happens to all teenagers, yep it even happened to me, so why would my son be any different? My teenage…

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    Dreaming Big!

    This is our Strong Family Dream Board. I shared a picture of it on Facebook a couple of weeks ago and I have numerous requests from people to share the idea behind it, so here it is….. In 2011, Phil and…

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    Back To Routine?

    Well, we are home! It is always bittersweet for me to land home after being in the USA. For some reason, I feel such an affinity with the USA and could quite happily call it home! But, I know God…

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    Why Yes, My Husband Is Actually The Greatest!

    So, this week Phil and I celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary. I know right, who would have guessed we have been married that long! 18 years is a long time to spend with the same person. Waking up to him…

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    Are You A Gazillionaire?

    I was chatting with a couple of friends the other day and we were talking about Team Strong’s upcoming trip to Mexico in a couple of weeks. One of them said, “Didn’t you take your kids to Africa last year? Are…