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    God, I think you picked the wrong Girl!

    Well, we are home from Uganda! This trip that we had been planning for the last 2 years has come to a close and we are now back in our comfortable lives, getting back to some sort of normality….. If…

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    Who ate all the Chocolate?

    This is Abby. She is a friendly wee Jack Russell and belongs to Mum and Dad’s neighbour. Mum and Dad don’t have any pets so they warmly welcome Abby over anytime she wanders from her home. In fact, she is…

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    What can one white girl do?

    That is the question I am asking myself this week! As we head off to Uganda, I am thinking to myself “what can one white girl do to make a difference?” Now don’t get me wrong, I am not thinking…

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    Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

    Don’t you just love Road trips? Now I know what you are all thinking……”Are you kidding me?” But really, what could be better than getting up while it’s still dark, blurry-eyed and bundling the kids into the car, heading off…

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    Sorry God, What did you say?

    Uganda. He said Uganda! I thought that’s what He said, but I just wanted to make sure! To double check, nope, triple check, actually I think I may have said “Sorry God, what did you say” at least 100 times…