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    Saying Goodbye To The Jones’s

    It’s hard saying goodbye after such a long time! When they have unintentionally been a part of your life for as long as I can remember! The Jones’s. I’m sure you have met them, or at least know of them!…

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    Learning to Love the Ride!

    I don’t know about you, but my life feels like a constant roller coaster. There are highs and there are lows. There are moments of sheer terror and moments of complete exhilaration. Times where I love the ride and then…

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    All Alone Together!

    Have you ever been in a room full of people and felt completely alone? It happened to me a lot when I was not so secure in who God’s made me to be! I remember so many times walking into…

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    Be Kind

    The other week I ran into a friend at the Mall. She seemed totally distracted and after a brief chat I walked away wondering what was going on in her world. I thought to myself I must text her later…

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    How did that even Happen?

    2 years! Yip, for 2 years I have written this blog! I know, I can hardly believe it either! Time just seems to fly when you are having fun, and yes, I do consider this fun! Ok, so it’s not…

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    Team Strong is on the Move….

    It is a new season. And with new seasons come change. Now, I will be the first to admit I am not that great with change. I like things the way they are, I like my comfort zone, and I…

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    I Am Who I Am

    So now you know what I stand for? (If you missed that blog you can read it here) I intend to write more on my passions and the calling of God on my life! I have been doing a blogging course…

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    Do You Know What You Stand For?

    Last week I took a stand and, to be honest, I struggled writing that post! (you can read it here if you missed it) I got Phil to read and re-read it for me and take some bits out! I…

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    February! It’s February! Seriously, how did that happen? One minute I am casually cruising through January, still in holiday mode and the next thing I know we are already one month into the year and February is upon us! Oh…