When God Asks You To Give Away Your Favourite Necklace!
Indonesia is beautiful. The land is beautiful. The people are beautiful. And I am in love with their culture and life style. You could say that Indonesia has captured my heart. But the thing that has really grabbed a hold…
Fear Not!
Well at least that what the Bible says right? There are 145 verses in the Bible which tell us not to be afraid….so why then, does fear creep in? I am off to Indonesia in a couple of days on…
What Is Success?
It’s a question that is thrown around a lot in our society…. “What is Success?” Graduating from High School or University? Scoring a high paying job? Being happily married? Raising happy healthy kids? Climbing to the top of the corporate…
I Am Proud Of Myself!
This is not something that Kiwi’s say a lot! “I am proud of myself!” Even if we are, we won’t admit it. We will most likely get shot down, accused of being big headed and conceited, and given weird looks as…
My Heart Is Broken.
It’s happened again! Just over a week till camp and I have once again had my heart broken! I had a message from a Mum asking if we could please take special care of her daughter over the weekend as…
Facing Judgement…
God has asked me to live my life as an open book! He has asked me to live a life of openness, transparency and vulnerability. Now generally, I am okay with us. I put my life out there as an…
When You Fail As A Wife.
I love my husband. Actually, I would go as far as to say that I absolutely adore him. He is my world. My everything. Out of all the people on the planet, he is by far my favourite and I…
Just One More…
Currently, I am sitting here in tears! It’s just one of those days where the tears are sitting on the surface, just waiting to come cascading down my face. at any point, and for no reason at all. Nothing is…
Leaving the Ninety-Nine
Sometimes I get a song stuck in my head. And sometimes I love a song SO much that I have it on repeat 24/7! There is a song at the moment that I cannot stop listening to! “Reckless Love” by…
Are You Giving God Your Best?
I was reading Malachi this morning in my quiet time, and I was falling in love with the words that I was reading. I love that when I slow down and take time to unpack His word, God highlights things to…