Faith,  Life

Are You Giving God Your Best?

I was reading Malachi this morning in my quiet time, and I was falling in love with the words that I was reading.

I love that when I slow down and take time to unpack His word, God highlights things to me!

This morning Malachi 1:8 really struck me!

“When you offer blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice lame or diseased animals, is that not wrong? Try offering them to your governor! Would he be pleased with you? Would he accept you?” says the Lord Almighty.”

Bringing animal sacrifices to the temple that were blind, disfigured, or sick was a direct violation of the Mosaic Law and such sacrifices dishonoured God. They were sacrifices in name only; a true sacrifice must cost something, and there was no pain involved in getting rid of something already blemished. As God points out, giving such an inferior gift to another person would be unthinkable—what made them think God would be pleased with it?

But what does that mean for us today?
We do not need to sacrifice animals anymore, and I for one am jolly thankful for that! John 1:29 tells us that Jesus came as the lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice, and without blemish. And so the days of sacrificing animals are well and truly over thanks to Jesus!

But you know me, and I got to thinking…..

What am I bringing to God?
Am I bringing Him my best?
Or am I giving him the dregs at the end of the day?

I may not need to sacrifice an animal, but is what I bring to God unblemished?

Ouch! To think that I would bring anything to God but my best, really made me stop and think. And to be honest, actually made me sad to think that I would bring Him less than my best!

But we are tired, right? Life is busy full and we never feel like there are enough hours in the day. And so when it comes to spending time with God or serving Him, we can be lacklustre in what we do!

Do you skim read the Bible so you can “tick” it off for the day?
Do you even open your Bible on a daily basis?
Do you say a 5-word prayer as you are rushing out the door?
Or do you even forget to do that?

God highlighted to me this morning that what I give Him should not be blemished! It should not be a halfhearted attempt just so I can tick the box.
What I bring Him, whether it is in worship or service, should be done with all of my heart, and to the best of my ability. I wouldn’t give my family anything less than the best, so why would I offer that to God?

So this week I am very aware of what I am offering to God and what state it is in. Am I willing to bring Him my best “calf” and not one that is blemished? Am I prepared to fully surrender to Him? And am I willing to give Him my all?

And the answer to that my friends is an absolutely, full-on, wholeheartedly, and a loud resounding YES!