It’s Not All About The Stuff!
Last week Gracie and I went to see Sam Smith. For those of you who don’t know who Sam Smith is, according to Gracie, he is the greatest and latest, and most coolest singer EVER! Gracie had been counting down…
Saying Goodbye To The Jones’s
It’s hard saying goodbye after such a long time! When they have unintentionally been a part of your life for as long as I can remember! The Jones’s. I’m sure you have met them, or at least know of them!…
Learning to Love the Ride!
I don’t know about you, but my life feels like a constant roller coaster. There are highs and there are lows. There are moments of sheer terror and moments of complete exhilaration. Times where I love the ride and then…
When Your Heart Is About To Burst!
We don’t always get it right as parents! Sometimes we are too strict, other times too lenient. Some days I have all the patience of a Saint, and other days I snap at the smallest things! Some days I feel like…
All Alone Together!
Have you ever been in a room full of people and felt completely alone? It happened to me a lot when I was not so secure in who God’s made me to be! I remember so many times walking into…
The World’s Worst Christian!
Have you ever felt like the world’s worst Christian? Have you ever doubted Gods plan for your life? Have you ever not trusted God? The last 2 weeks I have been guilty of all the above! As you know, we…
Be Kind
The other week I ran into a friend at the Mall. She seemed totally distracted and after a brief chat I walked away wondering what was going on in her world. I thought to myself I must text her later…
How did that even Happen?
2 years! Yip, for 2 years I have written this blog! I know, I can hardly believe it either! Time just seems to fly when you are having fun, and yes, I do consider this fun! Ok, so it’s not…
Team Strong is on the Move….
It is a new season. And with new seasons come change. Now, I will be the first to admit I am not that great with change. I like things the way they are, I like my comfort zone, and I…
I Am Who I Am
So now you know what I stand for? (If you missed that blog you can read it here) I intend to write more on my passions and the calling of God on my life! I have been doing a blogging course…