
How Captain Marvel Is Like My Walk With God!

I (finally) went and saw Captain Marvel last night, and it did not disappoint!

I absolutely love the Marvel Movies, they are my all time favorite (apart from Pirates of the Caribbean!)  and I have seen all of them multiple time.

I was super excited that this one had a female lead. I am not a feminist, but I do like to see strong women kicking butt!

Gracie thinks I am super weird but I see parallels to Jesus and our walk with God in SO many movies! Kids movies, romantic movies, action movies, pretty much all of them. And Captain Marvel was no different!

I will try not to give away too much if you haven’t seen it, but throughout the movie, she is tormented and told that she is not strong enough, but then near the end is a scene where she is told: “She is only Human”. She has flashbacks to every time she was pushed down or told she was never good enough, but it then it showed that every time she was knocked down, she got up again!

She felt like she was fighting with one hand tied behind her back, and once she realized her own strength and where it came from, she was unstoppable! And boy, was she unstoppable!

As I watched the movie, I couldn’t help but think of my own walk with God:
How many times have I been knocked down?
How many times have I been told I am not good enough?
How many times have I listened to the lies of the enemy?
How many times have I lived my life as though my hand was tied behind my back?

As I watched the movie and I watched her break through those barriers that people had laid in front of her, I had tears in my eyes (thank goodness for a dark theatre!) thinking about my own journey.

How many times have I been knocked down……but how many time have I risen?
How many times I have been told I am not good enough….but how many times does God replace that with His unconditional love?
How many times have I listened to the enemy…..but how many times has God shown me His Truth?
How many times have I lived as though my hand was tied behind my back……but how many times has God set me free and shown me how strong I am?

I am a strong woman, and the enemy will not keep me down for long. God’s truth has, and always will set me free to be all He has called me to be! He is stronger, bigger and mightier than anything I will face and anyone who will try and keep me down.

So as I continue through this tough season I am walking through, whenever I feel defeated I will think of Captain Marvel. I will keep the picture of her strength and resilience in the back of my mind, and know that with God’s strength, I too am a strong woman who will kick butt!


  • Leola Durant

    Wow, I can see why the movie reminded you of your walk with God from your description of it. God is so wonderful to us all in that each time the enemy knocks us down He lovingly picks us up and gives us the strength to keep going. Wonderful job with your analogy.🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • Rachael Lock

    Absolutely love this blog Kathy, i think we have all been there at some point in our lives and God is always, always there to pick us back up, reaffirm who we are in Him and champion us to keep moving forward with Him. Love it xx