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    Dreaming With God

    Okay, so ya’ll know I have written about this before right? It is one of my passions, and until I see every single person in my life living their God-sized dream, I will not relent! I will keep on writing…

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    Stealing My Joy!

    I will not let him! I will not let the enemy steal my joy! He comes at me, time and time again to steal my joy. He is relentless in his pursuit and wants nothing more than to take me out…

  • Even If…..

    Even if things don’t go the way you plan…..will you still praise God? This morning in my quiet time, I was reading in the book of Daniel. If you remember, I am doing a chronological reading of the Bible, which…

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    Ever Feel Overwhelmed, Or Is It Just Me?

    Sometimes life is a little overwhelming right? Please tell me I am not the only one who feels like this? Nope, I didn’t think so! Some days I am going along just fine with my to-do list, working away at…

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    It’s A New Year!

    Happy New Year! Okay, so I know we are half way through January already but I feel like I am just getting my head around this whole new year thing! I am struggling to get out of holiday mode and…

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    Living Life Brave

    I made a pretty dramatic change this week! I cut off most of my hair and I changed the colour! It is a big change for me, and we all know that change is scary right? The thing is, I…

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    But you’ve arrived!

    This is what a beautiful woman said to me the other day as we sat chatting, and I have thought a lot about it ever since. I had just preached at Church and I was telling her how I was…

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    It’s A New Season Baby Girl!

    Dear Gracie, My Mammas’ heart is hurting today. But you know what? I am fine. I will be fine. And I will get through this. But today my heart aches. Today is an end of an era for you. I…

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    Friends, can I be honest? This week has been hard. And I mean really hard. Not just one of those weeks where you are busy life is full. Nope, it’s been one of those weeks, where I have been attacked…

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    Lost For Words!

    It happens to me every time! Every time I come back from Declare and I feel like I have no words. Do you know how hard it is to be a writer when you have no words? I come home…