I Have A Choice To Make….
The truth is, we all have a choice! Now I know we cannot always choose our circumstances, but friends we always have a choice of how we handle them! This last couple of weeks have been the toughest I have…
Why Do Our Kids Break Our Hearts?
This week has been an emotional roller coaster for me! Not only am I stepping out (okay, more like leaping out!) of my comfort zone and have 3 speaking engagements this weekend but Jackson is moving out of home! Now,…
My Greatest Weapon…
Do you know what your greatest weapon is? I am not talking about things you wish it were, like x-ray vision, turning invisible or even being able to fly (although that would be pretty cool) but what weapon has God…
The enemy’s Weapons – pt 2
Last time on the blog I shared some of the (subtle) tactics the enemy uses to distract us and keep us from being all we can be! You can read all about that here if you missed it! So, in…
The Enemy’s subtle weapons!
I had the privilege of speaking at Church last Sunday! Even though I am a Senior Leader, I still don’t take it for granted that I get to share my heart. There are many Churches where woman are not allowed to…
26 Hours in a Day!
Ahhh, wouldn’t it be nice? Another 2 hours a day! Because we all know that 24 hours just aren’t enough, right? Well, I use to think that! I use to complain and wish I had an extra couple of hours…
Out of the Mouth of Babes!
We all know the saying right? We say it when a child says something that surprises us because it is so wise. Well, what I didn’t know is that it is actually a Biblical! It comes from expressions in the Old…
How’s Your Attitude?
It’s a choice. Not always an easy one, but none the less, it’s a choice! How we chose to act and react to things is a choice we get to make. Our attitude is our choice and ours alone. Now…
No Regerts!
Yes, I do realise there is a spelling mistake in my title, but I did that with intention. You see, there is an advert on tv in New Zealand where a man gets a tattoo for his wedding anniversary with…
Feelings! We all have them right? Good feelings. Bad feelings. Happy feelings. Sad feelings. Feelings are all very well and good. They serve a purpose and we all have them, so there is no point in denying them. The problem…