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    Finding Grace…..

    Some of you may have noticed I have been a little quiet on here lately. Now in the past, I would have made a thousand excuses and apologized profusely for my lack of writing, but that was the old me!…

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    And yet again God is asking me to live openly and honestly! You would think I would be used to it by now, but just when I think I am doing something for me, and me alone…..BAM! God asks me…

  • Why I’m eating an Elephant!

    We all know the saying right? How do you eat an elephant……one bite at a time! The thing is, I feel like my life is like eating an elephant at the moment. I have tried the whole “all or nothing”…

  • My Heart is Broken (Again!)

    Seriously? Again? Just under a week till camp and I have once again had my heart broken! I had a message from a Mum asking if we could please take special care of her daughter over the weekend as she…

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    Living the Dream….

    This week has been a huge milestone for me. Something that God planted in my heart so long ago has come into fruition! 2 years ago this month, while at a #DOT-K weekend, God said to me: “Kathy, this is…

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    It’s Not Suppose To Be This Way…..

    I love books! In fact, I would say I have a slight addiction to buying books. Some of them I buy on Kindle, but given the choice, I am a paper girl through and through. There is something seriously delicious…

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    Beauty in the Ruins.

    I love God. I know that sounds like a simple statement. And I guess it is, but it is oh so true! I love that in the middle of my mess, in the center of my chaos, and when my…

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    Taking Off My Big Girl Pants…..

    You have no idea how many times a day I tell myself to put on my big girl pants and get over it! It is a common thing that swirls around in my head and quite often falls out of…

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    Walking Through Burn Out….

    This season I am walking through has a name. Burn out. It is called Burn Out. It is incredibly hard to type those words and admit out loud that my life is not how I wish it was. I inhale…

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    When Healing and Life Collide.

    Monday was a turning point for me. The retreat is 12 days. They do this as they know this is the optimal amount of time that is needed. They are wise people. If I had left after a week, I…