Finding Grace…..
Some of you may have noticed I have been a little quiet on here lately. Now in the past, I would have made a thousand excuses and apologized profusely for my lack of writing, but that was the old me!…
And yet again God is asking me to live openly and honestly! You would think I would be used to it by now, but just when I think I am doing something for me, and me alone…..BAM! God asks me…
Why I’m eating an Elephant!
We all know the saying right? How do you eat an elephant……one bite at a time! The thing is, I feel like my life is like eating an elephant at the moment. I have tried the whole “all or nothing”…
My Heart is Broken (Again!)
Seriously? Again? Just under a week till camp and I have once again had my heart broken! I had a message from a Mum asking if we could please take special care of her daughter over the weekend as she…
Living the Dream….
This week has been a huge milestone for me. Something that God planted in my heart so long ago has come into fruition! 2 years ago this month, while at a #DOT-K weekend, God said to me: “Kathy, this is…
It’s Not Suppose To Be This Way…..
I love books! In fact, I would say I have a slight addiction to buying books. Some of them I buy on Kindle, but given the choice, I am a paper girl through and through. There is something seriously delicious…
Beauty in the Ruins.
I love God. I know that sounds like a simple statement. And I guess it is, but it is oh so true! I love that in the middle of my mess, in the center of my chaos, and when my…
Taking Off My Big Girl Pants…..
You have no idea how many times a day I tell myself to put on my big girl pants and get over it! It is a common thing that swirls around in my head and quite often falls out of…
Walking Through Burn Out….
This season I am walking through has a name. Burn out. It is called Burn Out. It is incredibly hard to type those words and admit out loud that my life is not how I wish it was. I inhale…
When Healing and Life Collide.
Monday was a turning point for me. The retreat is 12 days. They do this as they know this is the optimal amount of time that is needed. They are wise people. If I had left after a week, I…